Not that I think it is unfair, I just wish I had a US degree and that this would not be in my disadvantage. I'm also curious about experiences of current grad students that got in with their foreign degrees. Did you hear anything after admission about how they evaluate those degrees?
求翻译:A related goal is to evaluate the degree to which foreign vendors satisfy the needs of these US companies. Data for the study come from a sample of sixty-eight large US manufacturing firms that participated in an exploratory survey in the summer of 2006. The sampling frame was built ...
10. Students’ desire to do well in school 11. Students’ ability to reach the school’s academic goals 12. Students’ respect for classmates who excel academically Students’ confident in reading. Students were scored according to their degree of agreement with six statements. How well do...
Tight oil reserves in North and Northeast China are also abundant and have great development potential. Tight oil resource exploration and development can address the spatial disparity between oil production and consumption, as well as significantly diminishing China's dependency on foreign oil imports....
vulnerable degreegrey modelThe effect of hazard was decided by the dangerous degree of hazard factor-environment and vulnerable degree of sustaining hazard body (VDRSHB), and the research of the latter is of importance to hazard theory and the forming of related law about mitigating natural ...
Health-related Quality of Life (HrQoL) is a multidimensional measure, which has gained clinical and social relevance. Implementation of a patient-centred approach to both clinical research and care settings, has increased the recognition of patient and/o
The emergence of patent citations as a tool for patent estimation has been subjected to equally vocal champions and critics. In additional to patent citati
For example, in propionic acidemia patients, no significant changes in HrQoL were found in comparison with normal individuals in spite of their poor neurocognitive and psychosocial outcomes [97]. However, we cannot exclude the fact that some IMDs affect patient’s HrQoL to a lesser degree. This ...
The rationale behind the 5 surveys was to provide a 360-degree evaluation incorporating the range of perspectives from people involved in the mission in a variety of capacities. Each survey was a combination of yes/no, Likert scale and free response questions. There were 170 total questions: ...
Compiled and released monthly by the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis in the U.S., this report shows a change in production levels of factories, mines, and utilities. It also reports "capacity utilization," the degree to which each factory's capacity is being used.4 Traders using this i...