results = evalc(expression) は、expression で表された MATLAB® コードを評価し、results でコマンド ウィンドウに通常書き込まれるすべての内容を取得します。 メモ セキュリティについての考慮事項: 信頼されていないユーザー入力を使用して evalc を呼び出す場合は、予期しないコード実...
如果是 C……有个解释器叫做 Cling调用libclang。不过还是要批评一点。“听说matlab是用C写的,那么matla...
然后 parse eval 的输入得到 AST,再在这个上下文里面解释 AST 就行了。
I'm working on a MATLAB project which involves user input. The actual project itself all works fine up until I call input(), in which it breaks and continues to run but gives me the error "Error using input Cannot call INPUT from EVALC. <Location of file here> t = input('enter ...
给你分析分析你的程序。clear a=10 b='a'c='5*b'subs(c);eval(c)1.先说为什么最后的c,c里边是'5*b',其中b='a',那么5*b=5*'a'=5*97=485。那个97是‘a’的ascii码。2.我猜你是想用 subs() 替换掉里边的b,但是你没将得到的表达式赋值给c。如果改成c=subs(c);结果将会...
function out = callCosh(x) arguments x (1,1) double end out = 0; % assign a dummy value to specify variable type if"MATLAB") disp("This function not supported in MATLAB execution"); else coder.cinclude("<math.h>") out = coder.ceval("cosh",x); end end ...
MATLAB Online에서 열기 Hello, I kinda want to do a similar thing as here , exept that the structure I want to pass includes vectors or arrays. Therefore the code is not working. In general I try to write a driver block for Simulink for ...
When I try to run this code, I don't have any problem, however when I try to publish the same code using matlab cloud I got some errors Error using input Cannot call INPUT from EVALC. Error in cdfpdf (line 1) xmin = input('Input the min value for x: '); Also I can't run...
A必须是字符型的 可以把程序换成:for a=1:10 eval(['A',num2str(a),'=',mat2str(A),';']);end 即可