1、依赖库安装 Install-Package Z.Expression.NET 2、简单公式 usingZ.Expressions;intresult = Eval.Execute<int>("X + Y",new{ X =1, Y =2});//输出 3Console.WriteLine(result); 3、复杂代码 usingZ.Expressions;intresult=Eval.Execute<int>(@" var list = new List<int>() { 1, 2, 3, 4...
Install-Package Z.Expression.NET 2、简单公式 using Z.Expressions; int result = Eval.Execute<int>("X + Y", new { X = 1, Y = 2 });//输出 3Console.WriteLine(result); 3、复杂代码 using Z.Expressions; int result = Eval.Execute<int>(@" var list = new List<int>() { 1, 2, 3...
EvalExpression.NET极大地提高了访问公共和私有方法、字段、属性值或使用C反射创建对象实例的性能。 Download PM>Install-Package Z.Expressions.EvalPM>Install-Package Z.Expressions.Eval
http://Eval-Expression.NET是一个非常强大工具,使得开发人员可以动态编译和执行C#代码和表达式。通过C#反射,还能轻松访问公共和私有方法、字段、属性值,并创建对象实例。 02 使用示例 1、依赖库安装 Install-Package Z.Expression.NET 2、简单公式 using Z.Expressions; int result = Eval.Execute<int>("X + Y"...
Eval-Expression.NET是一个非常强大工具,使得开发人员可以动态编译和执行C#代码和表达式。通过C#反射,还能轻松访问公共和私有方法、字段、属性值,并创建对象实例。 02 使用示例 1、依赖库安装 Install-Package Z.Expression.NET 2、简单公式 using Z.Expressions; ...
网络执行表达式 网络释义 1. 执行表达式 ... ("s-3" . hanconvert-region) 转换简体或繁体中文 ("s-[" .eval-expression)执行表达式("s-\\" . artist-mode) 绘制模式 ... www.emacswiki.org|基于 1 个网页
It allows you to evaluate, Compile and Execute dynamic C# code and expression at runtime. From simple C# math expression... intresult=Eval.Execute<int>("X + Y",new{X=1,Y=2}); To complex code to parse. intresult=Eval.Execute<int>(@"var list = new List<int>() { 1, 2, 3, ...
Eval.Execute Evaluate and execute the code or expression. Support: Anonymous Class // using Z.Expressions; // Don't forget to include this.intresult=Eval.Execute<int>("X + Y",new{X=1,Y=2}); Argument Position // using Z.Expressions; // Don't forget to include this.intresult=Eval....
Select Eval Expression to define an eval expression field. The Add Fields with an Eval Expression dialog appears. Enter the Eval Expression that defines the field value. The Eval Expression text area should just contain the <eval-expression> portion of the eval syntax. There's no need to ...
> Evaluate Expression in .Net with Eval Function DownloadEvaluator.cs(Right Click->Save Target As...). Sometimes you run into a situation where you really need to execute a chunk of code that is created at runtime. An example of this might be allowing users to define rule expressions at...