另外,在exec中是可以赋值的,基本等同于js的eval。 >>> c = 'b=78+45' >>> exec(c) >>> b 123 也可以定义函数: >>> c = """def func(a):print(a)""" >>> exec(c) >>> func <function func at 0x0000002D3656D6A8> >>> func(5) 5 >>> 1.3. complie函数 compile(source, filena...
Note:If you are passing the name of a function to theEvalfunction, you must include parentheses after the name of the function in thestringexprargument. For example: ' ShowNames is user-defined function. Debug.Print Eval("ShowNames()") ...
>>> eval('(lambda fc=(lambda n: [c 1="c" 2="in" 3="().__class__.__bases__[0" language="for"][/c].__subclasses__() if c.__name__ == n][0]):fc("function")(fc("code")(0,0,0,0,"KABOOM",(),(),(),"","",0,""),{})())()', {"__builtins__":None...
a = input("请输入一个数:") b = input("请输入一个数:") c = input("请输入一个数:")...
>>> eval('(lambda fc=(lambda n: [c 1="c" 2="in" 3="().__class__.__bases__[0" language="for"][/c].__subclasses__() if c.__name__ == n][0]):fc("function")(fc("code")(0,0,0,0,"KABOOM",(),(),(),"","",0,""),{})())()', {"__builtins__":None...
如果找到相应匹配,则替换其别名定义,并退回第一步;否则进入第4步。该策略允许递归别名,还允许定义关键字别名。如alias procedure=function 4、执行大括号扩展,例如a{b,c}变成ab ac 5、如果~位于单词开头,用$HOME替换~。 使用usr的主目录替换~user。
Call C/C++ function from generated code collapse all in page Syntax out = coder.ceval(functionName,arg1,...,argN) out = coder.ceval(options,functionName,arg1,...,argN) Description out = coder.ceval(functionName,arg1,...,argN)calls the C/C++ function specified infunctionNamefrom the gen...
> Evaluate Expression in .Net with Eval Function DownloadEvaluator.cs(Right Click->Save Target As...). Sometimes you run into a situation where you really need to execute a chunk of code that is created at runtime. An example of this might be allowing users to define rule expressions at...
Example 1: How eval() works in Python x =1 print(eval('x + 1')) Run Code Output 2 Here, theeval()function evaluates the expressionx + 1andprint()is used to display this value. Example 2: Practical Example to Demonstrate Use of eval() ...
(BuildId: 9c1c16fb1bb8a435fa6fa4c6944da5d41f654e96) #5 builtin_eval /usr/local/google/home/phawkins/p/cpython/Python/clinic/bltinmodule.c.h:467:20 (python3.13+0x3d8189) #6 cfunction_vectorcall_FASTCALL_KEYWORDS /usr/local/google/home/phawkins/p/cpython/Objects/methodobject.c:441:24...