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nix-community/nix-eval-jobsPublic Sponsor NotificationsYou must be signed in to change notification settings Fork27 Star148 New issue Remove-fvisibility=hidden#308 lf-opened this issueMay 31, 2024· 1 comment lf-commentedMay 31, 2024 FYI we found it was causing instability in the Lix fork, an...
Evaluate and manipulate fields with multiple values Advanced Statistics Group and Correlate Events Manage Jobs Export Search Results Splunk Enterprise version 8.1 will no longer be supported as of April 19, 2023. See theSplunk Software Support Policyfor details. For information about upgrading to a su...
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To illustrate all the migrations that have happened: Intel mac nr1 => M1 mac => Intel mac nr2 I've had to do this because I've changed jobs two times in the last year and have used the companies computers but wanted to keep all of my things on my hardrive. Is this salvageable ...
NearestNeighbors(n_neighbors=1, radius=thresh, algorithm='kd_tree', n_jobs=-1) nn_engine.fit(data_pcd) rnn_idxs = nn_engine.radius_neighbors(data_pcd, radius=thresh, return_distance=False) mask = np.ones(data_pcd.shape[0], dtype=np.bool_) for curr, idxs in enumerate(rnn_idx...
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ROE (research on evaluation, for those in the know) is setting that right. And the growing community of ROE researchers and practitioners is attempting to do so in an organized fashion. I find it quite inspiring. A great example of ROE and the power of recursion is the work ofTom Cookan...
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Jobs Videos Blog SustainabilityNXP NXP Eval Boards SEGGER Evaluation Software for NXP Boards Contents 1.Latest eval software 2.Arrow LPC4350-DB1-C 3.Evaluation Board Archive 4.Variscite VAR-SOM-SOLO Development Kit (i.MX6U5) 5.SEGGER emPower 6.NXP TWR-K70F120M Tower System 7.NXP TWR-K...