I figured having my boots in hand was close enough to in uniform. “When the alarm went off, I knew it wasn’t a drill. I shoved my wet feet into my boots and took off for stations. Just before the hull was breached, I stepped on my loose shoelace and face planted. I was just...
Hey Kiddoby Jarrett J. Krosoczka A graphic novel memoir written by Jarret J Krosczka, a graphic illustrator who grew up with a drug-addicted mother and no father in the picture. The dark art style fits perfectly with the somber tone and makes it a very touching and affecting book. –Dani...
which Mrs 1537 tells me translates as‘blood on my hands’^*. It’s freaking fantastic, just a real snarl of adrenalin and, you guessed it, anger; this time on a truly industrial scale. Everything just comes together perfectly on this one track and the performance is off-the-scale...