EV-volumes is a database of sales statistics, charging infrastructure, batteries, car models, and sales forecasts for plug-in cars.
Credit: BYD China's domestic electric vehicle (EV) sales have maintained a penetration rate of over 50% for four consecutive months, reflecting strong growth in the domestic market, according to the China Association of Automobile Manufacturers (CAAM) on December......
The acquisition of shares in Riio Marknad & Strategi AB (EV-volumes). EV-volumes is a leading provider of sales and forecast data relating to electric vehicles with a global data reach and customer base. The acquisition brings a complimentary dataset in a high growth area of the Automotive ma...
Chinese automakers, led by BYD, are leveraging hybrid electric vehicles (HEVs) to strengthen their foothold in the European market, where the European Union's (EU) increased tariffs on Chinese-made electric vehicles (EVs) notably exclude HEV systems. The article requires paid subscription.Subscribe...
With the second dataset, query phases "California" and "ELEC" (which stands for electric chargers) were used. The operation hours column, which has non-standardized qualitative inputs, was manually examined and assigned unified hour codes that approximate their availability. This is to prepare for...
Toyota and Stellantis are the two biggest legacy automakers in this dataset, though it’s worth pointing out that they only produced PHEVs. Toyota’s first EV, the bZ4X, isn’t slated for release until 2023. Stellantis appears to be even further behind, though the company has plenty of...
bySukhdevsinh Dhummad SQLServerCentral Often, we encounter situations where we need to loop through a dataset to process or update records iteratively. In such cases, I use WHILE loop like below. The example below demonstrates how a WHILE loop can be used to iterate Sales records. This approa...
City Frequency Analysis: A city frequency analysis is performed using the Counter class to count the occurrences of each city in the dataset. What is the Objective Function? With this question in mind, we optimize for the locations where Tesla should build new supercharger stations based on the...
The actual feed can be used directly from https://datamarket.azure.com/dataset/1542c52d-d466-4094-a801-9ef8fd7c6485. Note the logo – it was created by Daniele Perilli from SQL BI with the assistance provided by Marco Russo. Thanks to them we did not have to resort to my graphic ...
About Dataset This dataset provides a detailed overview of the electric vehicle (EV) market in India from 2001 to 2024. It includes monthly sales data, sales data categorized by manufacturer, and vehicle class-wise sales data for different manufacturers. This rich dataset is ideal for market anal...