2024年印度新德里新能源电动车及充电桩展 EvExpo 202412将于2024年12月20-22日在印度新德里会展中心举行,这是印度专业的新能源电动车展之一,将展示电动汽车行业的新产品和新服务,吸引了来自全球的电动汽车制造商、零部件供应商、电池技术提供商、充电设备运营商、政府机构、行业协会、科研院所、媒体等各界人士参与,共...
12月22日-24日,印度第19届环保电动汽车博览会(India EvExpo 2023)在印度新德里国际展览中心拉开帷幕。亿纬锂能携轻型动力电池全面创新解决方案闪耀亮相,充分展现先进技术与创新产品,助力印度出行电动化。 作为南亚地区最大型的国际电动车年度盛会以及印度唯一专注于电动汽车行业的展会,此次展会吸引来自全球约500家参展商...
South Asia’s biggest exhibition on Automotive Technology and Electric Vehicle Technology. Auto EV India Bengaluru is an exhibition on Automotive Technology, Automotive Parts, Automotive Components and Electric Vehicle Charging Technology, Battery Techno
8月5日-7日,第十五届印度国际电动车展(Electric Vehicles Expo in India,以下简称EV Expo)在新德里举行。EV Expo是印度唯一专注于电动汽车行业的博览会,汇聚了来自世界各地电动车和动力驱动系统行业的领军企业,探索电动汽车行业新技术和新的商业模式,推动电动汽车行业的发展与创新。 在印度政府大力支持电动车行业发展...
6th edition of RideAsia-Ev scheduled to be most spectacular event on E-Vehicle industry at Pragati Maidan, New Delhi from 18th April to 20th April, 2025. More than 300+ leading brands are displaying their latest product & innovative technologies. The objective of the Expo is to reflect the ...
我很高兴Intersolar India将在甘地纳格尔举行。我相信这次博览会将使古吉拉特邦成为太阳能光伏产 业的全球制造中心。我祝贺组织者的努力,并希望它能帮助和鼓励创业精神的发展,并祝愿活动取 得巨大成功。"Shri. Bhupendra PatelHon’ble 古吉拉特邦政府首席 部长 ...
to grow multifold in couple of years.Vision This is the only focused alternative powertrain exhibition in India. Showcasing technologies for consumer and fleet EVs, through to the toughest power demands required for off-highway industrial vehicles you will find it all at Electric Vehicle Expo.
When switching to an electric vehicle (EV), most people expect fewer maintenance hassles. No oil changes, fewer moving parts, and lower long-term costs are major selling points. However, there’s one trade-off that’s catching many new EV owners off guard: accelerated tire wear. While it ...
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