Answer 21 of 33: I am considering a trip to Islamabad and Lahore travelling on my own with no contacts in Pakistan when I speak to people here in London unless they are from Pakistan they say its not so safe so not sure what to do
Travelling has been an important part of Nooteboom’s life as a writer. In his twenties he hitched around Europe and sailed to South America as a merchant seaman. In his work as a journalist he covered the 1956 Hungarian uprising, the 1968 ‘events’ in Paris and the fall of the Berlin...
Scott’s concern with “travelling outside the usual frontiers,the usual boundaries” touches upon “the characters in texts doing this trav-elling and [...] the text itself, [or rather] what becomes of the text” (13). Ünel’splayPera Palasis such an extravagantly strange text, with ...
the offshore islands, the riverside upstream of the limits of high tide, and the lakes and rivers of the interior. They moved often and did not always have a fixed schedule. For some, winter was spent along the coast to hunt seals, for example, while others preferred spending the...
In most places, you can purchase groceries in local markets or stores and eat at home with substantial savings. We found a small grocery store about a fifteen-minute walk away from our apartment. Going to a local store is part of the fun of travelling for us. Trying to figure out labels...
Scott's concern with "travelling outside the usual frontiers, the usual boundaries" touches upon "the characters in texts doing this trav- elling and […] the text itself, [or rather] what becomes of the text" (13). Ünel's play Pera Palas is such an extravagantly strange text, with...
travelling [5]. Several background factors have been identified as predictors of NEET status, such as low educational level and immigrant background; however, one of the most significant factors is health problems. For example, a disability increases the risk of becoming NEET by 40% compared to...