The European Union and Israel are thus case studies for two different arguments, much like North and South Korea or East and West Germany. The EU has been bad, so bad in fact thatthe British have voted to leave, but not so bad that there has been any genocide or mass violence or, in...
Annually, the Delegation of the European Union (EU) in Washington, D.C., holds an embassy open house day for its 27 member nations to celebrate European culture and educate tourists on the functions of EU politics and international relations. Amidst an ongoing debt crisis and a continuing ...
This paper seeks to draw a research agenda for unveiling the underlying bottlenecks and possibilities for improving the agricultural total factor productivity in the European Union (EU). To this aim, the paper first surveys the key challenges for the modern agricultural economy. Then, the case of...
This paper reviews recent literature on bioenergy potentials in conjunction with available biomass conversion technologies. The geographical scope is the European Union, which has set a course for long term development of its energy supply from the curre
Jewish and non-Jewish, in solidarity with their millennial sensibilities, and in harmony with universal humanistic respect for the rights of the deceased to be left in peace and respected, which is a right now enumerated by the US Congress and the European Union, among others, as part of uni...
Publication Office of the European Union, Luxembourg, 2015 Google Scholar European Commission (2017) Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament, the Council, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions, Completing the Better Regulation Agenda: better ...
DLF is supported by funding from the EuroEuropean Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 101025785. TM is supported by the China Scholarship Council (No. 201806010408). This work has also been supported by the EU-AIMS (Europea...
Lmao, good luck with that, it's gonna be in the order of tens of billions of euros per fine here. Doubt that will be their chosen approach. I'm a little...
Even taking the most conservative estimate, it is now generally agreed that the prevalence of autism is at least 1%. To put this figure in perspective, this means four and a half million people in the European Union have autism. And, for each one of these individuals, at least another thr...
Random House: New York. Portela C (2010) European Union Sanctions and Foreign Policy. When and why do they work? Routledge: London and New York. Portela C (2015) EU strategies to tackle the Iranian and North Korean Nuclear issues. In: Blavoukos DBS and Portela C (eds). The EU and ...