EUROPEAN LAW // The liberalization of air transport was introduced in the European Union in 1987 going on with the adoption of three packages of legal initiatives to be successfully completed by 1997. The liberalized market of air-travel has been joined by a large number of new players and ...
International Criminal Law,international evidence gathering,internationalhumanrights,INTERPOL,Money Laundering & Bank Secrecy,Red Notices,Transnat'l Corruption, Money Laundering & Asset ForfeitureTagged With:Croatia,European Union,Monaco
boardingandofcancellationorlongdelayofflights,andrepealingRegulation(EEC)No295/91 (TextwithEEArelevance) THEEUROPEANPARLIAMENTANDTHECOUNCILOFTHEEUROPEANUNION, HavingregardtotheTreatyestablishingtheEuropeanCommunity,andinparticularArticle80(2) thereof, HavingregardtotheproposalfromtheCommission(1), ...
10. Cancellation charges The drafting here is confusing (I had to read this multiple times), but the point that ‘No seller shall impose cancellation charges on consumers who cancel after confirming a purchase unless the e-commerce entity also bears similar charges when canceling the purchase o...
The article focuses on the dilemma facing European airlines on handling complaints from consumer advocates arising from the new rule which increases the number of flights that passengers can claim compensation for flight cancellation due to a delay of more than three hours, a change they say will ...
6.1 European Union Resolution Regime The Single Supervisory Mechanism (SSM) was the first step towards an EU banking union applicable to member states’ banks.Footnote 106 Its main aims are to ensure safety and soundness of the EU banking system, increase financial integration and stability, and ...
6.1 European Union Resolution Regime The Single Supervisory Mechanism (SSM) was the first step towards an EU banking union applicable to member states’ banks.Footnote 106 Its main aims are to ensure safety and soundness of the EU banking system, increase financial integration and stability, and ...