Van Erve said that the visa-free policy helps business and tourism. "It's easier to book now, than you have to go through a whole process to get a visa. So I think it's very good that it's happening and I hope that it's successful to continue such a ...
EU Travel Information & Authorisation System 歐州旅行信息授權系統(ETIAS)是一個用於事前申請和取得授權的官方系統。免簽國家或地區的公民訪問歐洲申根協定國(德國,意大利,法國等26國)時需提前申請並取得訪問授權,否則將無法前往申根國。 免簽國的公民前往申根國家旅行之前,必須提前申請ETIAS電子旅行授權。登記的護照...
New regulations relating to border controls for travelers coming to the European Union will be entering into force in late 2024 and 2025 in a bid to ensure safer travel and more efficient border crossings for visitors. For example, visitors from the USA and UK will need to preregister ...
The ETIAS is incredibly cheap. For adults, the application fee is just 7 Euros as compared to the 60 Euros for a visa. And for people below the age of 18, there is no fee charged. You may pay the fees using a credit or debit card as soon as you fill in the application form. ...
Why are Egypt, Morocco and Tunisia covered by Europe travel insurance?Do I need a visa to travel in Europe?Can you help if I need medical treatment while in Europe?Who can buy an InsureandGo European travel insurance policy?All our Europe travel insurance policies are available to UK ...
Spain Visa Travel Insurance is required for everyone that needs a Spain visa. If you are visiting Spain, make sure to get Schengen Visa Travel Insurance for Spain that meets all Schengen visa requirements. You can make an instant purchase online and print the visa letter online in few minutes...
歐洲近年來經歷了前所未有的難民流動和同時發生多起恐怖襲擊事件,歐盟進而加強了對邊界安全的監測。目前很多旅行者在進入奧地利和其他歐盟成員國時不需要簽證。事實上,很多人在國際機場時只需要出示護照。 如果旅行者的護照有效並且移民官員已經準許他進入該國,那麼旅行者可以在歐盟國家任何地方逗留90天...
A survey recently commissioned by Visa Corporate Card has highlighted Europe's national differences in managing corporate expenses. On average the UK business traveller takes 50 minutes per month to fill out their business travel expense claims. UK business travellers are likely to have 59% of ...
歐盟委員會提出建立與美國和加拿大免簽證制度類似的旅行信息與授權系統,該系統被稱為ETIAS。申請ETIAS需要您在訪問歐洲前至少提前96小時填寫一份在線表格並提交申請及支付費用。 ETIAS規定,18歲以上人士需支付申請費用,18歲以下的申請者可以免費申請。 ETIAS一旦批准,遊客可以自由訪問申根的國家。並在五年之內無需再次申請...
A visa for a Chinese visitor to the UK lasts a year, but costs the same about as a 10-year visa to the US, she says. Marcus Lee, CEO ofChina Travel Onlinesays that visa efficiency is one of the top three drivers for Chinese tourists. ...