April, the European Court of Auditors has highlighted a grey area in actions undertaken by six member states (Spain, France, Ireland, the Netherlands, Portugal and the United Kingdom) to deal with the problem of early school leaving, actions co-financed through the European Social Fund (ESF)...
The European Social Fund (ESF) helps increasing the adaptability of the workforce and of the enterprises; it helps increasing the access to the labour market; it prevents unemployment and prolongs the active life; it increases the participation of women and of the immigrants to the...
social innovationpublic sectorESFThe main objective of this research paper is to present how the public sector may contribute to the development of social innovations and to what extent this process may be supported by the European Social Fund's (ESF) resources. The research method comprises ...
The European Social Fund (ESF) is running out of cash. Generally speaking, cohesion money is being disbursed much faster than in 2011. To address a foreseen shortfall, the European Commission should come out with a top-up request in the billions of euro for the 2012 EU budget around the ...
European social fund (ESF) Cohesion fund (CF) –funds transport and environment projects in countries where the gross national income (GNI) per inhabitant is less than 90% of the EU average. In 2014-20, these are Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Greece, Hungary, Latv...
The Shared Prosperity Fund, which will replace the ESF after Brexit, is of crucial importance, writes Stephen Evans
The aim of this work is the study of the variable "public investment" through the European social fund (ESF) in the region of Asturias, including the factor "space" as determinant, using specific techniques for working with spatial data, since, classical econometric techniques have proved insuffi...
The European Social Fund: The Commission, the Member State and Levels of Governance The European Social Fund (ESF) is the European Union structural fund that redistributes funds to facilitate vocational education and training (VET). With t... BRINE,JACQUELINE - 《European Educational Research Journa...
starting with a Commission Communication of October 2011.Footnote139The first definition in a binding legal act can be found in the EuSEF Regulation of 2013.Footnote140An updated definition is contained in the Regulation establishing the European Social Fund Plus (ESF+) of 2021.Footnote141According...
9 On the basis of that decision, the Commission then adopted decisions C (94) 1972 of 29 July 1994, C (94) 2613 of 15 November 1994 and C (94) 3226 of 29 November 1994 by which it granted financial assistance from the European Social Fund (‘the ESF’) for the sum of EUR 1 897...