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European Resuscitation Council and European Society of Intensive Care Medicine Guidelines for Post-resuscitation Care 2015: Section 5 of the European Resus... article{f9e523b1-7d0c-4046-b7a5-9085837a2e1e, author = {Nolan, Jerry P and Soar, Jasmeet and Cariou, Alain and Cronberg, Tobias and...
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European Resus- citation Council Guidelines 2000 for Automated External Defibrillation: a statement from the Basic Life Support and Automated External Defibrillation Working Group and ap- proved by the Executive Committee of the European Re- suscitation Council. Resuscitation 2001;48:207-209....
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European Resuscitation Council guidelines for the use of automated external defibrillators by EMS providers and first responders: a statement from the Early Defibrillation Task Force, with contributions from the Working Groups on Basic and Advanced Life Support, and approved by the Executive Committee. ...
Resus‑ citation. 2015;95:202-22.Nolan JP, Soar J, Cariou A, Cronberg T, Moulaert VRM, Deakin CD, et al. European Resuscitation Council and European Society of Intensive Care Medicine Guidelines for Post-resuscitation Care 2015: Section 5 of the European Resuscitation Council Guidelines for...
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European Resusitation Council. The 1998 European Re- suscitation Council guidelines for adult advanced life support: a statement from the working group on advanced life support, and approved by the executive committee of the European Resuscitation Council. Resuscitation 1998;37:81 - 90....
Nolan JP, Soar J, Cariou A, Cronberg T, Moulaert VR, Deakin CD, Bottiger BW, Friberg H, Sunde K, Sandroni C (2016) Erratum to: European Resus‑ citation Council and European Society of Intensive Care Medicine 2015 guidelines for post-resuscitation care. Intensive Care Med 42:488-489...