Banking Explained – Money and Credit 313 2016-06 查看更多 猜你喜欢 3441 Europe Song by:Tiktok直播运营Frank 556 The story of Europe by:徐徐道来Felix 96 SECRET SOCIETY-EUROPE by:摇滚我的态度 8494 Penguin History of Europe by:Jerry妈妈北京 ...
Amit Sengupta, European Migration Refugee Crisis Explained Civil UnrestISGP Founder Joël van der Reijden warned against third world immigration with a concept to ban third world immigration citing views of the immigrants against homosexuals, women and a lack to adapt to European culture, arguing ...
Such an approach is applied to the heuristic case of Tuscany, an Italian region where the local asylum policies produced during the 'crisis' cannot be convincingly explained by looking merely at structural, institutional or strategic factors. Three arguments are developed here. First, at least in ...
2016. The ‘refugee crisis’ as a challenge of legal design and institutional legitimacy. Common Market Law Review 53: 1545–1573. Google Scholar van Walsum, Sarah. 2008. The family and the nation. Dutch family migration policies in the context of changing family norms. Newcastle upon Tyne:...
‘a considerable share of the migration and refugee literature applies the concept of solidarity in a rather blasé manner’. This might be explained, in part, by the dominance of legal scholarship in dealing with the European solidarity principle and its methodological traditions of rather strict ...
'There is the so-called "right of asylum" but it is much more a right on the part of the Government to grant asylum than a right on the part of the alien to have it.' This is how David Renton explained the position of the British governm... K Schönwälder - Palgrave Macmillan...
Several reasons from past literature point us in this direction. The first is that the European refugee crisis has dominated public debate in the media for the past several years, featuring diverse and often highly polarized opi...
Since the 2015 refugee “crisis”, much has been made of the distinction between the legal category of refugee and migrant. While migration scholars have accounted for the increased blurring of these two categories through explanations of institutional drift and policy layering, we argue that the in...
Conflict in Ukraine's Donbas: A Visual Explainer | Crisisgroup | 'Sapere aude' byOui(Oui)onSun Feb 20th, 2022 at 11:23:56 AM EST NATO and US Shut Out Russia In Diplomacy(none / 0) 💬 FM Sergey#Lavrov: Do any of our Western "partners" feel ashamed of disseminating slander and dis...
country variance is explained by changes in individual-level sociodemographic composition and by a global time trend further reduces the potential for country-specific time-varying influences on changes in fear. Model M2 serves as the baseline model for all subsequent models with higher-level ...