the European Commission had promoted (and that defended, as explained above, not less public investment but a different one), but also because the correlation between lower wages and increased competitiveness is rejected by several economists (see, e.g., the classical study of Kaldor (1978)). ...
Panmixia in European eel S Palm et al FST values obtained using the ENA method became virtually identical to the uncorrected ones; the average ENA estimate over all six loci was negative (FST (ENA) ¼ À0.00017; 95% CI: À0.00037 to 0.00006), only differing on the fifth decimal from...
(Chow and Pickles 1971; Hillis and Rozsa 1978; Olsson and Salmén 1992, 1997; Lenth and Kamke 2001; Windeisen and Wegener 2008; Gellerstedt 2015; Furuta et al. 2008, 2010; Hatakeyama and Hatakeyama 2010). When dry, the differences in the glass transition temperature of cellulose, ...
Then, we apply the eikonal approximation for the emission of gluons, and this allows us to absorb the contributions from non-factorizable diagrams into factorizable ones, by means of modifying the expressions for three- and four-gluon couplings.Footnote 4 Namely, the diagrams of the type and ...
(WHO 1978), codes E950-E959, for England in 2000, Portugal in 2000-01 and Ireland for the entire study period. Table1lists the five ICD-10 categories of intentional self-poisoning with drugs. No category breakdown was possible for Ireland because the relevant ICD-9 and ICD-10 ...
The United States had 41 Class I railroad companies in 1978 but the market had consolidated to seven major players by 2020.21 This improved railway companies’ efficiency as well as profitability. They are now in a better position to innovate, have a more consistent pricing approach, and yiel...
Founder (s): Benjamin Brier, Charles Brier and Samuel Magid as Little Nemo Manufacturing Company 1913- 1978 Provenience RI, USA- There is a bit of a mystery associated with the Little Nemo mark. First, Little Nemo is not the same company as Nemo. Or is it? Which company did the above...
Nuclear DNA diversity was measured as the number of alleles per locus (A), the observed heterozygosity (H o ) and Nei’s unbiased expected heterozygosity (H e ) (Nei 1978). Deviations from Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium (HWE) were tested using the likelihood ratio-based exact test described by ...
(Düring2011; Furholt2017a,b). These communities’ ideology, it has been argued, circled around the idea of valuing a specific place, visible in the habit of building new houses directly on top of older ones (Hodder2006; Hodder and Pels2010; Rosenstock2009). This control of space and ...
[makes] sense in speleobiology without a comparison of cave animals with the ‘normal’ epigean ones”74. Ultimately, the quantification of the level of subterranean specialization of species on a continuous scale allows us to explore the degree to which the specialization of a given community ...