Haylock MR (2011) European extra-tropical storm damage risk from a multi-model ensemble of dynamically-downscaled global climate models. Nat Hazards Earth Syst Sci 11(10):2847-2857. doi:10.5194/nhess-11-2847-2011, http://www.nat-hazards-earth-syst-sci.net/11/2847/2011/...
The process of systemic transformation is discussed in terms of three models: strictly 'bipolar' Europe in the 1950s, the considerably altered situation in the early 1980s, and a 'prescriptive' all-European model for the end of the 20th century, as a viable 'structure of peace'. Key ...
Double jets were found to be particularly important for heatwave variability and trends in western Europe (Figs.4,5). In this region the jet stream is playing an active role in modulating surface conditions as it coincides with the exit region of the North Atlantic storm track53. In other E...
Towards Transferability in Fish Migration Models: A Generic Operational Tool for Predicting Silver Eel Migration in Rivers. Sci. Total Environ. 2020, 739, 140069. [Google Scholar] [CrossRef] Baras, E.; Jeandrain, D.; Serouge, B.; Philippart, J.C. Seasonal Variations in Time and Space ...
It is clear that the grand solar minima are a serious call for the “solar dynamo” models. They successfully explain the mean behavior of sunspot activity as well as the periodic alternative sign changes of the Sun’s total magnetic field in relation to these cycles [29]. However, it is...
(1).The disease-free equilibrium point of the model (1) is denoted as E0={Λμ,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,σμr,0}.We will first compute the reproductive numbers for each of the sub-models, and then do it for the co-infection model in order to find R0 of the latter as done in [...
Because of the importance of properly representing storm-track dynamics in future-climate projections23,24, these results also envisage relevant outcomes from mesoscale-resolving atmosphere models in HighResMIP25. Impact on variability The relative strength of the Azores High and the Icelandic Low is ...
In addition, climate models are unable to resolve tornadoes or single thunderstorms. They may indicate large-scale changes in three of the four ingredients conducive to severe thunderstorms (humidity, instability and wind shear), but having some favourable factors in place does not guarantee tornadoes...
For the model using Band 4, Band 12, and σVH (abbr. Model B, blue bars in Fig. 10), there was no clear seasonal effect on the average CA. Each month gave similar levels of uncertainty except May when it was lower. When considering the differences between these three models, Models ...
The threshold for P-values was set to 0.05. In all models, the Q matrix was used to account for overall population structure. 10,000 permutations were used to determine the P-value for association of each polymorphism by GLM. The P-value adjusted for multiple tests was obtained by a step...