《欧洲土壤生物学杂志》(European Journal Of Soil Biology)是一本以环境科学-生态学综合研究为特色的国际期刊。该刊由Elsevier Masson SAS出版商创刊于1993年,刊期Quarterly。该刊已被国际重要权威数据库SCIE收录。期刊聚焦环境科学-生态学领域的重点研究和前沿进展,及时刊载和报道该领域的研究成果,致力于成为该领域同行...
期刊简称EUR J SOIL BIOL 参考译名《欧洲土壤生物学杂志》 核心类别 高质量科技期刊(T3), SCIE(2024版), 知网外文库,外文期刊, IF影响因子 自引率 主要研究方向农林科学-SOIL SCIENCE土壤科学;ECOLOGY生态学 European Journal of Soil Biology《欧洲土壤生物学杂志》(季刊). The European Journal of Soil Biology...
国际标准简称:EUR J SOIL BIOL 出版地区:FRANCE 出版周期:Quarterly 研究方向:环境科学 - 生态学 出版年份:1993 语言:English 是否OA:未开放 学科领域 农林科学 中科院分区 2区 JCR分区 Q1 IF影响因子 3.7 是否预警 否 投稿咨询投稿指南 期刊简介 Journal Title:European Journal Of Soil Biology ...
About the journal TheEuropean Journal of Soil Biologyis dedicated to exploring thebiologyandecologyofsoil organisms, emphasizing the important role ofsoil biodiversityfor ecosystem functioning. Contributions to the journal must provide information on the soil organisms involved with a clear link to the …...
About the journal TheEuropean Journal of Soil Biologyis dedicated to exploring thebiologyandecologyofsoil organisms, emphasizing the important role ofsoil biodiversityfor ecosystem functioning. Contributions to the journal must provide information on the soil organisms involved with a clear link to the …...
soilbiology@elsevier.com Scope The European Journal of Soil Biology covers all aspects of soil biology which deal with microbial and faunal ecology and activity in soils, as well as natural ecosystems or biomes connected to ecological interests: biodiversity, biological conservation, adaptation, impact...
About the journal TheEuropean Journal of Soil Biologyis dedicated to exploring thebiologyandecologyofsoil organisms, emphasizing the important role ofsoil biodiversityfor ecosystem functioning. Contributions to the journal must provide information on the soil organisms involved with a clear link to the …...
The European Journal of Soil Biology covers all aspects of fundamental and applied soil biology relating to soil microbial and faunal ecology, and processes promoted by soil organisms. Soils from managed and natural ecosystems of biomes worldwide are of interest, and the Journal is open to submissi...
European Journal of Soil BiologyPubMedAJSCIECAJCR:Q1JCR:Q2中科院2区 发文量1,989 被引量52,089 影响因子(2023)3.196 The European Journal of Soil Biology covers all aspects of soil biology which deal with microbial and faunal ecology and activity in soils, as well as natural ecosystems or biomes...
soilbiologyeuropean生物学respirationjournal Originalarticle Thresholdsandinteractiveeffectsofsoilmoistureonthetemperatureresponse ofsoilrespiration EszterLellei-Kovács a, * ,EditKovács-Láng a ,ZoltánBotta-Dukát a ,TiborKalapos b , BridgetEmmett c ,ClausBeier d a InstituteofEcologyandBotany,HungarianAcademy...