《欧洲牙科教育杂志》(European Journal Of Dental Education)是一本以医学-学科教育综合研究为特色的国际期刊。该刊由Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd出版商创刊于1997年,刊期Quarterly。该刊已被国际重要权威数据库SCIE收录。期刊聚焦医学-学科教育领域的重点研究和前沿进展,及时刊载和报道该领域的研究成果,致力于成为该...
European Dental Research and Biomaterials Journal (EDRBJ)是根据独立、无偏倚和双盲同行评审原则出版的同行评审、国际化、科学期刊,是European Journal of Dentistry (EJD)的专业副刊。 EDRBJ主要关注临床和实验研究、诊断的临床和技术进展以及与口腔健康和疾病相关的治疗。此外,与临床和实验室研究以及生物材料技术相关的...
Diabetic foot infections (DFIs) are a significant complication in diabetes mellitus, leading to increased morbidity, hospitalizations, and healthcare burdens. The growing prevalence of antibiotic-resistant pathogens has reduced the efficacy of conventional treatments, highlighting the need for alternative the...
European Journal of Dental Education publishes original articles and commentaries concerning curriculum development, teaching methodologies, assessment strategies or techniques, and quality assurance in the fields of dental undergraduate and postgraduate education and dental auxiliary personnel training. The scope...
European Journal Of Dental Education 国际标准简称:EUR J DENT EDUC 人气273 《European Journal Of Dental Education》是一本专注于DENTISTRY, ORAL SURGERY & MEDICINE领域的English学术期刊,创刊于1997年,由Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd出版商出版,出版周期Quarterly。该刊发文范围涵盖DENTISTRY, ORAL SURGERY & ...
Hunter–Schreger bands (HSB) are optical phenomena observed on tooth surfaces under polarized light, resulting from the intersection of enamel prisms. Anthropological studies demonstrate the prevalence of HSB in large mammals, contributing to enamel resi
Dementia is a growing public health concern with limited effective treatments. Diet may be a modifiable factor that significantly impacts brain health. Mediterranean diet (MeDi) has been suggested to be associated with brain Magnetic Resonance Imaging (M
European Journal of General Dentistry European Dental Research and Biomaterials Journal Zahnmedizin up2date Bücher zum Thema Zahnmedizin PDF herunterladen CC BY 4.0 · Eur J Dent 2022; 16(04): 775-780 DOI: 10.1055/s-0041-1739436 Original Article ...
Research methodology in Dentistry: Part I – The essentials and relevance of research The need for scientific evidence should be the basis of clinical practice. The field of restorative dentistry and endodontics is evolving at a rapid pace, ... J Krithikadatta - 《Journal of Conservative Dentistry...
European Journal Of Dental Education创刊于1997年,由Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd出版商出版,收稿方向涵盖医学 - 学科教育全领域,此期刊水平偏中等偏靠后,在所属细分领域中专业影响力一般,过审相对较易,如果您文章质量佳,选择此期刊,发表机率较高。平均审稿速度 较慢,6-12周 ,影响因子指数1.7,该期刊近期没有...