European Heart Journal - Cardiovascular Imaging Mar 01, 2023: 24 (3), e47-e47 10.1093/ehjci/jeac250 本文由“天纳”临床学术信息人工智能系统自动翻译 Extract We would like to thank the author for their kind comments regard...
考虑到患者的疾病进展,治疗方法改为他喹他单抗,这是一种针对CD3和GPRC5D的双特异性抗体,最近被证明对难治性多发性骨髓瘤患者有用。 Significant regression of plasmacytoma by cardiac magnetic resonance European Heart Journal - Cardiovascula...
与二维超声心动图相比,高清血流成像是非常可行的,并显著提高了左心室功能的诊断准确性和分级。 Graphical Abstract High-definition blood flow imaging improves quantification of left ventricular volumes and ejection fraction European Heart J...
Graphical AbstractHaemodynamic forces (HDFs) assessment is performed based on strain analysis both in longitudinal and transversal directions, which is expected to early detect cardiac mechanical abnormalities by estimating the intraventric...
血管镜检查可有效提高心内肿瘤经皮腔内活检的安全性和准确性。 Usefulness of angioscopy for intracardiac tumour biopsy in a patient with malignant lymphoma European Heart Journal - Cardiovascular Imaging Sept 01, 2023: 24 (9), ...
LOT-CRT有助于增强电同步性,有力治疗伴有ATTR-CA的CHF伴缓慢性心律失常。 Impact of left bundle branch area pacing-optimized cardiac resynchronized therapy for transthyretin cardiac amyloidosis European Heart Journal - Cardiovascular Imag...
需要进一步的多能CT研究来确定作为筛查工具的组织特异性定量或定性图对心脏结节病的诊断准确性。 Multi-energy computed tomography-based detection of cardiac sarcoidosis—always on European Heart Journal - Cardiovascular Imaging July 01, 2024...
这种常染色体显性遗传疾病的特征是骨骼和关节畸形、面部畸形以及头发和指甲异常。心脏受累也有报道。 A rare cause of syndromic mitral valve prolapse European Heart Journal - Cardiovascular Imaging July 01, 2024: 25 (7), e184-e184 1...
尽管这些肿块很大,主要分布在室间隔,但没有引起任何双心室的流入或流出道阻塞。 Cardiac tumours unveiled: intracardiac rhabdomyomas in focus European Heart Journal - Cardiovascular Imaging Feb 01, 2024: 25 (2), e93-e93 10.1093/eh...
使用不同的应激源可以评估MVD的各种病理生理机制,如果仅用DIP进行评估,则可能诊断不足。 Funding Acknowledgements:None. 资金确认:无。 Myocardial ischemia: beyond the normal perfusion images European Heart Journal - Cardiovascular Imagin...