The genetic distinction between the Oberkassel and Sidelkino clusters is also clearly noticeable in the diversity of uniparentally inherited markers, as the Oberkassel cluster is dominated by mtDNA haplogroup U5 and Y-chromosome haplogroup I, whereas individuals from the Sidelkino cluster show a ...
In this study, we used a population of 118 African- and 125 European-Americans to evaluate 12 previously phylogenetically undefined Y-SNPs for their ability to further differentiate individuals who belong to the major African (E3a)- and European (R1b3, I)-derived haplogroups. Ten of these ...
Although human Y chromosomes belonging to haplogroup R1b are quite rare in Africa, being found mainly in Asia and Europe, a group of chromosomes within the paragroup R-P25* are found concentrated in the central-western part of the African continent, where they can be detected at frequencies ...
AlthoughmtDNA haplogroupsshow only weak differentiation as a function of European/Middle Eastern geography, the principal component of variation is also in a southeast to northwest direction. Y-haplogroup sequences show much stronger differentiation in this region of the globe (as with most regions, ...
In this study, we used a population of 118 African- and 125 European-Americans to evaluate 12 previously phylogenetically undefined Y-SNPs for their ability to further differentiate individuals who belong to the major African (E3a)- and European (R1b3, I)-derived haplogroups. Ten of these ...
Molecular and bioenergetic differences between cells with African versus European inherited mitochondrial DNA haplogroups: Implications for population susceptibility to diseases. Biochim Biophys Acta 2014;1842:208-19.Kenney MC, Chwa M, Atilano SR, Falatoonzadeh P, Ramirez C, Malik D, et al. ...
Chaubey G, Karmin M, Metspalu E et al: Phylogeography of mtDNA haplogroup R7 in the Indian peninsula. BMC Evol Biol 2008; 8: 227. Article Google Scholar Majumder PP : The human genetic history of South Asia. Curr Biol 2010; 20: R184–R187. Article CAS Google Scholar Russell RV ...
in terms of mitochondrial physiology, as proposed by Wallace.31This suggests that these variants may not be functionally significant. Based on the nomenclature of mitochondrial haplogroups,20we used the mtDNA sequence variations of the Chinese proband to establish the haplogroup affiliation of his ...