EUROPEAN EXPLORERS 欧洲探险家 H**oeer wndwd why perul: speuk American countries?Do yoa knaw why the hrilliant Poriuguese?Ard wiy is Fena tho finst languge iThu aswer, of coarse, is that all thesecountrics belongea to Duropean ermpires ut ane tima, The nexr To answer that questinn...
阅读理解In 1595, European explorers first reached the South Pacific. As they explored, they found islands where people who used simple Stone Age tools lived. The Europeans wondered how the islands were settled thousands of years ago.In the late 18th century, Captain James Cook and his team of...
The arrival of Europeans in Latin America had a catastrophic impact on the region's indigenous peoples. Beginning with Spanish explorers and conquerors known as conquistadors, followed by subsequent waves of European other conquerors and aided by advanced military technology, conquered the existing ...
JohnCabotthoughtthathecouldreachAsiabysailingacrosstheAtlanticOcean.OncepeopleknewthatthelandthathefoundwasnotAsia,explorerscontinuedtosearchfor awaterpassagethroughtheNorthAmericancontinent.JacquesCartier •In1534,hecontinuedFrance’ssearchforawaterroutetoAsia.•HesailedfaruptheSt.LawrenceRiverinCanada.•He...
European exploration and colonization in Latin America led to the destruction of indigenous peoples by deadly diseases for which they had no immunity. Learn about Europeans arriving in America and the impact of Eurasian diseases. Europeans Arrive in America If you were a member of an indigenous ...
“Learn about Marco Polo, the Italian merchant, who traveled Asia to become one of the earliest European explorers to learn about its culture and people and return to write about it.” -YouTube description For Older Kids History Teachers– This channel mainly covers world history, but I ...
mercantile system,mercantilism- aneconomicsystem(Europein18thcentury)toincreaseanation'swealthbygovernmentregulationofallofthenation'scommercialinterests Occident,West-thecountriesof(originally)Europeand(nowincluding)NorthAmericaandSouthAmerica Continent-theEuropeanmainland;"EnglishmenliketovisittheContinentbuttheywouldn...
How did European colonies in the Americas contribute to the start of the Industrial Revolution? How did the Renaissance motivate European explorers? What impact did Spanish colonization have on the western part of North America? How did France?s colonial influence on North America begin?
The Southwest Pacific became very important to Europeans between the 16th and 18th centuries. In this lesson, we'll talk about why this was, and...
Kevin has edited encyclopedias, taught history, and has an MA in Islamic law/finance. As European explorers landed in the Americas, they also expanded their influence in India and Southeast Asia. Learn about Portuguese efforts in Asia, discover where their bases were located, and explore what ha...