Abbreviation Database Surfer « Previous Next » Coalition for Justice and Accountability (Sierra Leone) Comité d’Organisation des Jeux Africain Caring Operations Joint Action Council (Glasgow, Scotland, UK) Central Ohio Japanese Association of Commerce (Dublin, OH) ...
(Currencies) a free-trade area created in 1994 by an agreement between the European Free Trade Association (EFTA), excluding Switzerland, and the European Union (EU). Abbreviation:EEA Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994,...
members are Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, and the UK. Abbreviation...
"PCB· is an abbreviation for a highly toxic chemical substance used for insulation in electrical equipment and some other products. The usual technique for destroying PCBs is high-temperature incineration. Because of the highly toxic properties of PCBs, mey have, since the early 1970s, been the...
In its circular on “Safe and Efficient Transfers on UPI”, the body suggested using an alphanumeric ID for the intermediary’s username followed by an abbreviation representing their segment, like “abc.bkr”, for brokerage business. The UPI handle would also contain a unique, “easily relatabl...
The Regulation states that only SEs may include the abbreviation SE in their name (subject to an exception to protect entities which used the SE abbreviation before the Regulation came into force).Footnote 83 This restriction will no longer apply to UK companies following a hard Brexit, unless ...
According to the European Court of Justice (ECJ), while the citizens of the OCTs are considered to be also EU citizens2 except the inhabitants of "the British OCTs because of the national constitutional principle of equality between citizens3, the OCTs themselves are considered neither members ...
62 Yevsektsiya is the Russian abbreviation for the Jewish section of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, mainly active in Yiddish, which was established in 1918 and disbanded in 1929. Later, “Yevsec” was used in a derogative manner to refer to Jewish Communists active in a Jewish ...
association of European States that came into being in 1967, when the legislative and executive bodies of the European Economic Community merged with those of the European Coal and Steel Community and the European Atomic Energy Community: subsumed into the European Union in 1993. Abbreviation:EC ...