The Consumer Credit Protection Act消费者信用保护法 热度: 外文文献:欧洲金融一体化和欧盟新成员国的本地企业在融资European financial integration and the financing of local businesses in the new EU member states 热度: TheRiseofEuropeanConsumerLaw
Bourgoignie examines the impact of European consumer protection law on the national legislation of the EU member states. It regards the latter as influenced by the two trends in European legal integration: the "negative harmonization" or elimination of quantitative restrictions on imports and all ...
Our clients include leading international and regional corporations, banks and other financial institutions, state bodies, multi-lateral institutions, and international law firms with clients that require top-quality legal counsel in our jurisdictions. We handle the most important and complex ass...
5.3 竞争与消费者保护 | Competition and consumer protection Main articles: European Union competition law and European consumer law 【主条目:欧洲联盟竞争法和欧洲消费者法】 See also: European Union Intellectual Property Office【另见:欧洲联盟知识产权局】 The EU operates a competition policy intended to...
General or Review, Practical/ consumer protectionelectronic commercelegislation/ European lawconsumer protectioninformation agelegislative initiativeselectronic commerceEuropean Unione-consumer protection/ C0230B Legal aspects of computing C6130E Data interchange...
It gives me great pleasure to contribute this paper to a volume celebrating the achievements of Claus Ott, a colleague and friend for many years. Claus may have been “converted” to law-and-economics relatively late in an impressive career of legal...
The best interests of the child and EU consumer law and policy: a major gap between theory and practice? Amandine Garde 11. Protecting consumers of gambling services: some preliminary thoughts on the relationship with European consumer protection law Alan Littler Part III. Contextualising Consumer ...
European LawThe project to modernise the consumer acquis and the development of general contract law principles have become intertwined. The reasons for this are explained but it is argued that the two could and often should be kept seperate. The proposal for a Consumer Rights Directive has ...
With extensive experience advising national and international clients across all aspects of public law, Harald specialises in environmental law (including facility, waste, and water regulations), energy law, trade law, data protection, and state aid law. He also has a strong background representing ...
Abstract At the outset, the article compares the EC directives in the field of consumer protection and the corresponding German transposition acts which are the core of German consumer law. This is followed by a discussion on the Act against Unfair Competition (UWG) and the Standard Contract Term...