(Riskful Thinking report, Business Confidence Survey, and European Business in China Position Paper) and discuss the key issues experienced by European companies operating in China with a wide variety of stakeholders from the European Commi...
Any gains made in June were quickly tempered by the UK government's decision to re-impose quarantine measures on travelers arriving from 'high risk' countries, giving travelers less than 24 hours notice in the case of Spain. Some UK citizens were forced to cut their holidays s...
Teresa Ribera says European Commission weighing up measure demanded by Germany January 22 2025 Europe Express How the EU could help stem the flow of illegal product importsPremiumcontent Also in this newsletter: Is sabotage behind Italy’s recent train disruptions?
The Proposed Directive would apply to both EU-based companies and companies incorporated in third countries. Whether a company would be subject to the provisions of the directive would depend on its size, sector, and source of revenue: Companiesbased in the EUwith more than 500 emp...
Risk management and security of supply. As there are still considerable price-volatility and supply risks, investment in natural gas substitutes, such as biomethane, or alternatively in storage, can hedge against potential energy supply chain disruptions. In a higher gas-price world, the business ca...
On 19 March 2018, the European Commission gave a recommendation to the member countries to monitor the levels of cadmium, lead, mercury, arsenic, and iodine in macroalgae food and feed products and food additives (Commission Recommendation (EU) 2018/464). Monitoring is carried out to support a...
(Fraunhofer ISI,2014; European Commission (EC),2021a). In the case of high policy intensity, the potential is 12–26%. However, the EU Energy Efficiency Financial Institutions Group (EEFIG) claims that investment in energy efficiency in EU is still below its economic potential, and there ...
He went on to stress the importance of sharing risk among member countries and creating a common deposits fund. "We're not totally safe yet. There are still things we need to do and some of them are urgent," he said. The conference took place at the Lisbon School of Economics and Mana...
the EU will increase its dependence on third countries in all areas where it fails to compete, such as stable and affordable energy prices, or the swift recruitment of skilled labour. In this picture, it is key to boost the attractiveness and competitiveness of deep and liquid European capi...
The surprising back and forth around the Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive taken can be understood, too, as concern about a regulation that doesn’t properly follow a simple risk-benefit-analysis. The upcoming new European Commission will play a crucial role in managing a geo-...