Euro Size to US: European brands offer fine styles. But how to find the right size in the jungle of clothing and shoe size scales in Europe? European Clothing & Shoe Size Conversion is not easy. With our EU clothing size charts, you can convert US sizes
According to the effect sizes, the biggest differences concern the product quality: Poles (20.5%,SD = 12) and Spaniards (18.3%,SD = 11.6) scored considerably higher in the relative importance than Germans (13.2%,SD = 8) and Norwegians (11.3%,SD = 7.9) regarding clothing... Size guide for clothes and shoes | Size conversion charts Size guides, converters, size charts and conversion tables. Clothing sizes for women, men, children. Charts for dress sizes, suit sizes and shoe sizes. Keywords: measure, sizes, shoe sizes, size conversion, kids size ch...