Europe's regulation of passenger car emissions has been proven to have failed when it comes to nitrogen oxide emissions (NOx) by diesel engines. Due to historical decisions favouring diesel technology, Europe has become a diesel island with no equal worldwide. As a result, virtually every Europ...
there is a wealth of evidence showing that the appropriate choice of imaging modality improves not only diagnostic accuracy but also long-term outcomes [1]. Although overall diagnostic strategies are comparable between sexes, female-specific attributes may substantially affect...
Wu Q, van Velthoven MH, Chen L, Car J, Rudan D, Saftic V, et al. Improving the intake of nutritious food in children aged 6-23 months in Wuyi County, China—a multi-method approach. Croat Med J. 2013;54:157–70. Article Google Scholar Miller LM, Cassady DL. The effects of nu...
It's time to sell my late brother's 68 Camaro spaceframe drag car. This car was raced by Leroy and Bonnie Philson in the USA as 'Mighty Mouse' with some success. I have extensively rebuilt the car and engine with a new block bored and honed, painted the chassis, added a mid-mount...
Chen RC, Dewi C, Huang SW, Caraka RE (2020) Selecting critical features for data classification based on machine learning methods. J Big Data. 7. Munappy AR, Bosch J, Olsson HH, Arpteg A, Brinne B (2022) Data management for production qu...
Australia was "included in the tests" as a site for recording blast effects and monitoring for atom bombs detonated anywhere in the world by hostile nations. This Australian site served to keep enemies in check and achieve one of the Pacific testing program's objectives: to deter future war...., Accessed 19th Apr 2023 Google Scholar European Commission, 2017b European Commission (Ec) Commission Regulation (EU) 2017/1495 of 23 August 2017 amending Regulation (EC) No 2073/2005 as regards Campylobacter in broiler carcases (2017) http://data...
Web site: Dusting Steel Bodied sidecars for vintage, veteran and classic motorcycles. 1998.03.11 Dwight's Bikers Dream of East Texas Exit 198 @ corner of I-30 & Texas Hwy 98 New Boston, TX 75570 USA +1 (903) 628-0118 +1 (903) 628-...
assuming data to be diploid and unphased37. MCMC chain length was set to 1,000,000 generations, and 10% of the samples were discarded as burnin. All runs were checked in Tracer v. 1.6.058to evaluate chain convergence to stationarity and adequate mixing, and to check if the effective samp...
Keywords Predictability · Heat waves · Cold waves · Ensemble forecasts · Validation 1 Introduction Heat or cold waves (HWs or CWs hereafter) are linked to increased risks of mortality, morbidity, and different car- diovascular and respiratory diseases (Anderson and Bell 2009; ...