[288] The European Capital of Culture programme selects one or more cities in every year to assist the cultural development of that city.[289] 【参考译文】自《马斯特里赫特条约》将其纳入社区能力范围以来,成员国之间的文化合作一直是欧盟的兴趣所在。[286] 欧盟在文化领域采取的行动包括为期七年的文化...
检查“ European Capital of Culture”到中文的翻译。浏览句子中European Capital of Culture的翻译示例,听发音并学习语法。
capital of Moldova Carlina acaulis cevapcici Chasid References in periodicals archive ? provided almost $2,000,000,000 in aid to East European governments in 1990 and 1991. Washington's iron curtain against East European exports With massive rebuilding needed to bring most East European countries ...
English Translation of Lithuania’s TV Evening News Coverage of Recent Demonstration to Rescue the Old Vilna Jewish Cemetery Welcome to Participants in This Year’s Revived Vilnius Summer Program! First Impressions of Vilnius’s New ‘Museum of Culture and Identity of Lithuanian Jews’ Vilnius Jewish...
Wikipedia Eu·ro·pe·an·ize (yo͝or′ə-pē′ə-nīz′) tr.v.Eu·ro·pe·an·ized,Eu·ro·pe·an·iz·ing,Eu·ro·pe·an·iz·es TomakeEuropean. Eu′ro·pe′an·i·za′tion(-ə-nĭ-zā′shən)n. AmericanHeritage®DictionaryoftheEnglishLanguage,FifthEdition.Copyright...
Culture & Language 11, 1–15, https://doi.org/10.22034/ ijscl.2022.563470.2794 (2023). 38. Artero López, J. M., Borra Marcos, C. & Gómez-Álvarez Díaz, R. Education, inequality and use of digital collaborative platforms: The European case. The Economic and Labour Relations Review ...
the EuropeanCulture Capital initiative,European HeritageLabel, European HeritageTrails).Officiallyand accordingto the orders of theauthorities,nosingle German was to remain. Inpractice, though,asmall groupofGermans did stay, slowlydiminishing asaresult of Poloniza-tion or emigration to Germany. Since...
featured a small park with a statue of writerLesya Ukrainka. Down the green walk was theKiyevskirailway terminal, a badass station (it was ingood company, I prefer no 5,Yaroslavskystation) that serviced metro lines and trains to the Ukrainian capital (Kiyv/ Kiev, see relevant link below)...
the "civilised" -- that is, those who are committed to the priorities and purposes of the imperial city and "high" culture -- are at perpetual war with their periphery, whether it be the smallholders just outside the walls, or the unfortunate Iraqis whose oil is required to keep the li...
2.(Physical Geography) (capital when part of place name) a.one of the smaller areas of ocean:the Irish Sea. b.a large inland area of water:the Caspian Sea. 3.(Physical Geography) turbulence or swell, esp of considerable size:heavy seas. ...