European Capital of Culture Tartu 2024 Closes with a Light Show, Open-Air Rave, and Special Performances airBaltic Delivers EUR 40.3 Million Profit and Record Revenue in Q3 2024 ADVERTISING Top Offers Trakai TIC:Explore Trakai through unique gastronomic ...
然后,有关成员国的有关当局正式指定推荐的城市为欧洲文化之都。 此外,欧盟候选国家、潜在候选国家或《欧洲经济区协定》(所谓的EFTA/EEA国家)的欧洲自由贸易协会成员国的城市也可以在2022年、2024年、2028年、2030年和2033年获得这一称号。这些城市是通过“公开竞争”选出的,这意味着来自不同国家的城市可能会相互竞争...
The region's richSami culturewill play a significant role. What's on the menu? Mouth-wateringArctic cuisine, of course! It's all happening instunning natural surroundingsin Northern Norway. The year-long celebration of the European Capital of Culture 2024 has begun in Bodø and the Nordland...
expertise, network, and experience. European Capital of Culture is a status, and if we are to get the most out of the status, each sector and industry must employ it actively. Bodø2024 is conducting a commemoration and is gathering focus throughout the year. Then, the organization is shu...
Melina Mercouri as a Minister of Culture was the inspirer of the institution of the Cultural Capitals of Europe, with Athens being chosen as the first capital in 1985. 时任文化部长Melina Mercouri是欧洲文化之都计划的提议...
Nowadays, with the recent events inside EU and accession of new member states, it increases the need for a deeper integration of the member states. This paper looks at the important role of cultural cross-border cooperation, in the context of winning the European Capital of Culture (ECoC) ...
The European Capital of Culture (ECoC) is an international event which represents a unique opportunity for the cities to stand out in this globalised and competitive scenario. This paper focuses on the study of Pécs, European Capital of Culture 2010, and it aims to study the influence of ...
Kaunas, Lithuania, has been named a European Capital of Culture for 2022.Photo: Silvan Bachmann/iStockphoto/Getty Images When Lithuania's capital was seized by Poland in 1919, theBalticnation named a small central city as its new political seat. During its 20 years in the ro...
Since 1985, the EU has designated cities as European Capital of Culture (ECOC) for 1 year at a time. Various ECOCs have used the designation as a tool to revive the city space. The cultural initiatives, such as the ECOC designation, are the EU's political instruments, whose significance ...
[288] The European Capital of Culture programme selects one or more cities in every year to assist the cultural development of that city.[289] 【参考译文】自《马斯特里赫特条约》将其纳入社区能力范围以来,成员国之间的文化合作一直是欧盟的兴趣所在。[286] 欧盟在文化领域采取的行动包括为期七年的文化...