J Alber.What the European and American Welfare States have in common and where they differ: facts and fiction in comparisons of the European Social Model and the United States. Journal of European Social Policy . 2010What the European and American Welfare States have in common and where they ...
welfare modelwelfare regimessustainabilitypenal policysocial policyThis article sets out to unravel the overall picture of the dominant social models in the Western world–that of the European Union and that of the United States. The American model, or "American (social) dream," is put into ...
European American immigrants began to decline in number from the early decades of this century. Because of its immigration history, the Euro-American population was overrepresented in 1980 among the age categories of old (65 to 74 years) and old–old (75years and older;Lee, 1986). For these...
This shows that blind study of the American model is to suffer.Ding Yifan: aga 37、in, the weakness of Europes economic structure is just another version of the economic rigidity of europe. The labour market is too rigid and the welfare state spends too much, all of which make labour ...
Is the Future American? Or, Can Left Politics Preserve European Welfare States From Erosion Through Growing 'Racial' Diversity? The welfare state is the distinctive contribution of Europe to the modern world. Other places do market capitalism better, and democracy, art and culture at least as wel...
Critical Analysis of Levchenko and Zhang's (LZ, 2012) research paper: 'Comparative advantage and the welfare impact of European integration' based on the Eaton-Kortum Model, taking a closer look at the chosen parameters and possible omissions of influential factors like labour mobility and equality...
It imitated theEuropeanmodel. 出自-2017年6月阅读原文 In these groups, which came out of an EasternEuropeantradition of developing young talent, professors teach promising K-12 students advanced mathematics for several hours after school or on weekends. ...
Green economy and green growth The green economy and green growth are often mentioned as key elements of sustainable development. The green economy refers to an economic system that considers environmental sustainability and social welfare, while green growth refers to economic growth that is both envi...
European Social Modelactive and dynamic welfare stateAim: This study aims at highlighting issues arising from the implementation of the Lisbon Strategy, which in the context of the European Social Model aims at strenghtening Europe's role in the global economic system. In this context the role ...
Richard North has already commented on the topicat EUreferendumas has Tony Sharpat Waendal Journaland I shall not here go over again greatly the ground upon which they have so usefully trod. But I do add this: unlike the American Constitution which is, as I have described it, the touchsto...