Here we have a map of Europe before the break out ofWW1. As you can see there are some Countries that have remained relatively the same. Norway, Sweden, Portugal, Spain, France, Switzerland, Belgium, Netherlands and Italy to name a few. What is different is that there a number of Empi...
This chapter will focus on the morphology of the railway network in Europe in four specific years analysed in this study: 1850, 1900, 1950 and 2000. The map for 1850 shows a Europe in which it is not already possible to speak of a structured network, despite the considerable differences ...
The interior of the college hosts lots of Lithuanian memorabilia, the largest of which is a huge artful map of Lithuania originally created by Urba in Switzerland in 1936 and now adorning the College’s main hall. The map at the hall of the College The Villa Lituania building (the main pa...
and true connoisseurs have real gust of and pay tribute to wider coverage and selection of vintage maps for sale online. In fact, large vintage map reproductions’ prices at the 1900 Map Collection are comparatively lower or stuck up to prices of rare originals of that age, adding the value...
The second is the taking together of alleged Eastern and Western countries in the second cluster, which reminds us of Central Europe as it used to be and of the redrawing of its map during the Cold War, resulting in the exclusion of "key cities" and countries of the Mitteleuropa (...
# I have a one inch to one mile map of London and my estimate of the stone's # position is 51° 28' 30" N, 0° 18' 45" W. The longitude should # be within about ±2". The Ordnance Survey grid reference is TQ172761. ...
The map indicatesNorthern and Western Europehave higher average wages than Southern and Eastern Europe, reflecting the differences in economic development and wealth. However, this split has not always been present. In fact, the reverse was true for many centuries. Mediterranean-based civilizations use...
Changes in forest disturbances can have strong impacts on forests, yet we lack consistent data on Europe’s forest disturbance regimes and their changes over time. Here we used satellite data to map three decades of forest disturbances across continental Europe, and analysed the patterns and trends...
AP-Growth TORAY 2020 is a unified growth map for the next 10 years based on Toray’s corporate vision of “contributing to society through the creation of new value with innovative ideas, technologies and products”. Key KPI’s for AP-Growth TORAY 2020 (to be achieved around 2020) consolida...
Colours in the map indicate whether trait variability was higher in original (blue) (northern) or colonising species (red) (south central), and shades indicate whether the pairwise test was significant (darker shade) or not (lighter shade). Colours in the nMDS plots for a subset of the ...