Nationalism is a political ideology that has been popular since the mid 1800s, but truly came into its own during the 1930s. Nationalists are staunch defenders of their country of origin and believe that their country is better than other countries in every way possible...
How did nationalism influence the (liberation) of the former colonies during the 20th century? What impact did Serbia's sense of nationalism have on tensions in Europe prior to World War I? How did European imperialism affect African nationalism?
Stephen Jacobson, “Imperial Ambitions in an Age of Decline: Micromilitarism and the Eclipse of the Spanish Empire, 1858–1923” in Alfred W. McCoy, Josep M. Fradera, and Stephen Jacobson (eds.),Endless Empire: Spain’s Retreat, Europe’s Eclipse, and America’s Decline(Madison: University ...
“It started out as strategic sympathy for the Soviet Union, in the backdrop of India getting independence from the British. So it’s an anti-colonial experience, anti-imperialism,” saysRajeswari (Raji) Pillai Rajagopalan, a political scientist at the Observer Research Foundation in New Delhi. ...
Focusing on the interwar period (1919–1939) this chapter builds on prior studies of German-Indian entanglements throughout the nineteenth century and the pre-First World War period to provide a sweeping exploration of travelers, East and West, during We
Theodore Roosevelt's Contradictory Legacies: From Imperialist Nationalism to Advocacy of a Progressive Welfare State Summary This chapter contains sections titled: The Common Roots of TR's Imperialism and His Commitment to a Modern Welfare State President Roosevelt's Atte... KM Dalton - Wiley‐...
Society & Culture of the 18th Century 6:32 Ch 19. AP World History: Colonialism Ch 20. AP World History: Nationalism Ch 21. AP World History: Imperialism Ch 22. Patterns of Human Migration Ch 23. AP World History: World War I Ch 24. AP World History: World War II Ch 25....
1986.EconomicImperialisminChina:SilkProductionsandExports, 1861–1932.Berkeley,CA:Institutefor EastAsianStudies.Eng,Robert Y. 1990.“Luddism andLaborProtestAmongSilkArtisansandWorkers in Jiangnan andGuangdong,1860–1930.”LateImperialChina11, no.2: 63–101.Engelen,Th.,andA.P. Wolf,eds. 2005.Marriage...
of the indigenous population of North America. He described this aptly with the phrase “ecological imperialism”.13However, European expansion also had effects on Europe itself. For example, in the 16th century the Spanish conquistadors brought back the potato from the highlands of the Andes, ...
How did European imperialism effect the middle east? What were the results of European dominance of the new world? How did European imperialism effect Asia? After the Congress of Vienna, what happened with nationalism? What is an example of ethnic conflict in modern Europe, which we can describ...