Three Leagues idea 4: The League of Ten Timurid idea 2: The Mantle of the Great Khan Tiwi idea 6: Tiwi Isolationism Tokugawa idea 1: Mikawa Bushi Trebizond idea 5: The Lessons of the Fourth Crusade Uesugi idea 4: Dragon of Echigo Yarkandi idea 5: Holy Warriors Yi idea 7: Children ...
League Wars can be a good time to get this achievement if you are the war leader. Protect your allies and don't separate peace countries. Alternatively, you can trigger a big war in the late 1700s after you get strong. Regardless, be prepared to buy down war exhaustion as the war will...
Casus belli"Religious League" and "Crush the Revolution":+50 Casus belli"Coalition":+30for attackers Relative strength of alliances:−20to+20for war leader only Ally in war:+10for allies called in by war leader Military strength:−20to+20, depending on proportion of manpower and land fo...
Take the religion from these( as you need it for forming Prussia), and wait for the league war. In the league war, occupy the required capitals and dismantle the HRE, Or, you could ally all the electors, call in all possible allies to war with the emperor, occupy the emperor's capit...
A trade league must be lead by a Merchant republic or Veche republic. Influence actions[编辑 | 编辑源代码] Please help with verifying or updating this section. It was last verified for version 1.24. Reign in Eyalet[编辑 | 编辑源代码] Turns a Eyalet into a Core Eyalet. Factors that ...
id Decline of the Hanseatic League Please help with verifying or updating this infobox. It was last verified for version 1.31. The Hansa were once the undisputed masters of trade from London to Novgorod. Dominating the Baltic Sea from our home port of Lübeck, members of the League were ble...
Every member of a Trade League gives its leader +5% Trade Steering, +2 Naval Forcelimit, +1k Sailors, +1k Manpower and +1 Land Forcelimit. Militarization gives now -0.5 Monthly Militarization, basically adding decay to the militarization. Being at war gives +0.1 Monthly Militarization, being...
Catholic League Unit Pack: Adds 12 new (tier 2) unit models for the Thirty Year War period to: Augsburg Austria Bavaria Cologne Mainz Poland Salzburg Spain The Papal State Trier Ulm Wurzburg Evangelical Union Unit Pack: Adds 12 new (tier 2) unit models for the Thirty Year War period to...
49 Even More Imperial Incidents Decline of the Hanseatic League, Reformers Protest, and Great Peasants' War; insights into UI development 2020-04-14 48 Governing Capacity Governing Capacity and Industrial Revolution Institution 2020-04-07 47 HRE Reform Changes New HRE interface, Centralized and De...
A trade league must be lead by a Merchant republic or Veche republic. Influence actions[编辑 | 编辑源代码] Please help with verifying or updating this section. It was last verified for version 1.24. Reign in Eyalet[编辑 | 编辑源代码] Turns a Eyalet into a Core Eyalet. Factors that ...