For over 30 years, Euromoney has recognised the banks and bankers that have demonstrated their differentiation, pioneering a comprehensive awards programme that today remains the industry benchmark globally. Winning an award for excellence is a career-defining achievement and your chance to gain well-d...
Bringing together the industry’s best and brightest to celebrate outstanding achievement in banking and finance. The 2025 Awards Ceremonies Middle East: Tuesday 20 May 2025, Dubai Africa, the Americas, and Europe: Thursday 17 July 2025, London Asia: September 2025, Singapore Transaction Banking and...
HSBC has won 33 prizes in the Euromoney Awards for Excellence 2024, with three global victories, including The World’s Best Bank for Sustainable Finance.
9月10日,《欧洲货币》(Euromoney)在其官网揭晓了“2020年卓越大奖”(Awards for Excellence )的全球评选结果;由于该组奖项是从所有超过1000家申评银行中评选而出的,因此也是“卓越大奖”中竞争最为激烈的一组。此前7月,《欧洲货币》公布了区域和国家/地区类评选结果。 继在当时获评“亚洲最佳数字银行”奖(Asia’...
Euromoney Awards for Excellence 2002. (cover story)The article presents information on several companies related to financial services industry commended and recognized by the journal "Euromoney" in 2002. The success of Citigroup Inc. ranges from debt markets to cash management and foreign exchange. ...
The Euromoney Awards for Excellence are in their 28th year and are recognized to be among the most prestigious in the financial services industry. About Citi Citi is a preeminent banking partner for institutions with cross-border needs, a global leader in wealth management and a valued ...
新加坡2021年10月5日 /美通社/ 大华银行(UOB)在《Euromoney》2021年全球卓越奖(Global Awards for Excellence 2021)评选中被评为全球最佳中小企业银行(World's Best Bank for SMEs)。荣膺该奖项主要是凭借大华银行深厚的区域联系、专业知识和对中小企业的持续扶持,以实现疫情后的恢复和增长。在该奖项之前,大华银行...
《欧洲货币》创刊于1969年,在国际资本市场上享有广泛的影响力,其系列评选以科学、严谨、独立著称。“卓越大奖”(Awards for Excellence,AFE)自1992年设立以来,已成功举办31届,涵盖超过150个国家及地区,历来有“银行奥斯卡”的美誉,亦是该机构每年最高级别的评选活动之一。
In its 29th edition, the Euromoney Awards for Excellence recognized Citi as: The World's Best Digital Bank The World's Best Investment Bank in the Emerging Markets “The range of awards Citi has received from Euromoney is both an honor and affirmation that we are making ...
Singapore, Hong Kong, Indonesia, India, China, Taiwan, Regional, 14 Jul 2023 - DBS, a leading financial services group in Asia, has been named the World's Best Bank for Corporate Responsibility in the prestigious Euromoney Awards for Excellence 2023. In the same awards, DBS was also recognis...