Today Euro Rate in Pakistan is Rs. 295.6, yesterday rate was Rs. 295.6. The EUR rate in Pakistan PKR changes every hour, we have solved the problem of our users by giving complete history and record of last 30 days. You can check the Euro rates history of last month here. These rates...
Today 1 EUR to PKR conversion rate is PKR 233.86 in Interbank exchange rate as an official rate by State Bank of Pakistan. Euro to PKR buying and selling rates are different in inter bank and currency exchange or open market rates. Euro to Pakistani Rupee has increased PKR 1.74 or 0.75...
Today’sEUR to PKR Rateupdated in live in real-time from Open Exchange Rates worldwide and in Pakistan. Get latest and up to dateEuro to PKR Pakistani rupeesexchange rate along with percentage increase/decrease in price rate. FindEUR to PKR and PKR to EUR exchange ratesin Pakistani Rupees ...
Today Currency Rate In Pakistan As per today currency rate in Pakistan on 15 April 2021, EUR to PKR rate is Rs 181.5. AUD to PKR, GBP to PKR, SAR to PKR, and USD to PKR are now updated. The trend of fluctuation among United States Dollar, Euro, British Pound, UAE Dirham, Saudi...
As per today currency rate in Pakistan on 7 October 2020, EUR to PKR rate is Rs 192. SAR to PKR, USD to PKR, AUD to PKR, GBP to PKR are here.