Exchange rate 4.12.2024 The Philippines PHP Peso 61.113 -0.471 0.0164 Exchange rate 3.12.2024 The Philippines PHP Peso 61.584 -0.071 0.0162 Exchange rate 2.12.2024 The Philippines PHP Peso 61.655 -0.284 0.0162 Exchange rate 29.11.2024 The Philippines PHP Peso 61.939 0.067 0.0161 Exchange rate 28.11...
Convert Philippine peso to Euro at the mid-market live or find today's best rate with Monito's comparison for sending money to Germany from the Philippines
If you are a Filipino earning Euros, having a bank account in the Philippines in that currency can help you avoid exchange rate fluctuations. BPI, one of the oldest banks in the Philippines, offers a Euro Savings Account where your money can be held with the bank in Euros. This is partic...
Some of the newer china fones are quite "desirable" in some markets, in Philippines already selling better than Samsung and LG combined, but not threatening the market positions of Nokia and SE. Less than 3000 Pesos for a fancy looking phone with TV and big screen and dual SIM, theres ...