Euro Saab Parts Direct is dedicated to offering Saab parts at realistic prices. With over 80 years experience in dealing with Saab parts we feel we know our product. We have a close working relationship with dedicated Saab owners and the Saab Owners Club, so we are offering to all Saab ass...
Saab slams Euro crash testsFocuses on the inadequacy of car crash tests carried in Europe. Criticisms on the Euro New Car Assessment Programme; Citation of the use of dummies in tests; Call for publication of real-life road accident data.Glover...
Selex ES Awarded Multi-Million Euro Contract from Saab for Raven AESA Radar.The article reports that defense products manufacturer Finmeccanica-Selex ES has received a contract for the supply of Raven ES-05 AESA radar by the defense security firm Saab AB for its Gripen Next Generation (NG) ...
has been fitted in series cars (Saab 900, BMW M4 GTS or Oldsmobile Jetfire [123,124,125])—and even if it has almost always been for performance—it has always been intake water fumigation. It has also been used almost exclusively for emission control in marine applications [27,57]. ...