Euro NCAP provides consumer information on the safety of new cars. Euro NCAP is the European New Car Assessment Programme making your cars safer.
Euro NCAP provides consumer information on the safety of new cars. Euro NCAP is the European New Car Assessment Programme making your cars safer.
Euro NCAP has created the five-star safety rating system to help consumers, their families and businesses compare vehicles more easily and to help them identify the safest choice for their needs. The safety rating is determined from a series of vehicle tests, designed and carried out by Euro ...
Euro NCAP Launches “Euro Rescue”: Free Downloadable Rescue Information for First Responders In partnership with CTIF, the International Association of Fire & Rescue Services, Euro NCAP launches Euro Rescue, a mobile application for first responders dealing with traffic ...
Euro NCAP (欧盟新车安全评鉴协会 European New Car Assessment Programme,缩写:Euro NCAP),也就是我们经常看的搞碰撞安全测试的欧洲机构,搞了一个新规则,将在 2026 年 1 月开始实施,届时达不到这个规则的车辆,即使碰撞成绩再好,也不可能拿到 5 星成绩。这个规则就是,在关乎安全的车辆功能中,比如雨刷,转向灯,...
Euro NCAP欧盟新车安全评鉴协会自2023年实施评估新规则以来,获得五星评级的车型寥寥无几,2023上旬仅有三款车获得,分别是蔚来的ET5、EL7以及雷克萨斯的RZ。进入2023下旬后,也就是10月份,蔚来的ET5T再获欧洲E-NCAP五星评级。有趣的现象发生了——截至蔚来宣布ET5T获得E-NCAP五星评级,上榜四款五星车,有三款都是蔚来...
近日,欧洲最具权威的欧盟新车安全评鉴协会(Euro NCAP)公布最新一期碰撞测试结果,全新沃尔沃V40在测试中喜获五星评级,其综合成绩创该协会有史以来的最高记录。在单项测试中,沃尔沃V40更在成人乘员保护、安全辅助及行人保护方面获得突破性佳绩,再次验证了沃尔沃在安全方面的绝对优势。
Euro NCAP欧盟新车安全评鉴协会自2023年实施评估新规则以来,获得五星评级的车型寥寥无几,2023上旬仅有三...
Euro NCAP(欧盟新车安全评鉴协会)发布2022年度最佳汽车名单,魏牌摩卡被评为年度最佳大型SUV,欧拉好猫被评为年度最佳小型家用车。没想到吧?魏牌和欧拉的车在欧洲安全评价这么高,两款车型上榜,长城造车底子还真是相当不错了!#wey摩卡##欧拉好猫# L李勇岐的微博视频 小窗口 ...