《Euro Journal On Transportation And Logistics》国际简称:EURO J TRANSP LOGIST,是由出版商Elsevier出版的一本致力于发布--研究新成果的的专业学术期刊。主要发表刊登有创见的学术论文文章、行业最新科研成果,扼要报道阶段性研究成果和重要研究工作的最新进展,选载对
《Euro Journal On Transportation And Logistics》(《欧洲运输与物流杂志》)是一本由Elsevier出版的Multiple学术刊物,主要刊载Multiple相关领域研究成果与实践,旨在打造一种学术水平高、可读性强、具有全球影响力的学术期刊。本刊已入选SCIE来源期刊。2023年发布的影响因子为2.1。
《欧洲运输与物流杂志》(Euro Journal On Transportation And Logistics)是一本以Multiple综合研究为特色的国际期刊。该刊由Elsevier出版商该刊已被国际重要权威数据库SCIE收录。期刊聚焦Multiple领域的重点研究和前沿进展,及时刊载和报道该领域的研究成果,致力于成为该领域同行进行快速学术交流的信息窗口与平台。该刊2023年...
Euro Journal on Transportation and Logistics is an internationally peer-reviewed journal that focuses on theoretical, methodological, and practical research in the field of transportation and logistics. This journal is published by Springer and provides a platform for researchers, practitioners, and policy...
The EURO Journal on Transportation and Logistics promotes the use of mathematics in general, and operations research in particular, in the context of transportation and logistics. It is an official publication of EURO: the Association of European Operational Research Societies. Join the conversation ...
The EURO Journal on Transportation and Logistics offers a forum for the presentation of original mathematical models, methodologies and computational results, focusing on advanced applications in transportation and logistics. The Journal publishes research articles presenting original methodological contributions ...
2019EURO Journal on Transportation and Logistics doi:10.1007/s13676-019-00141-w A variant of the hub location routing problem studied in this work, which is the problem of locating a set of hub nodes, is establishing the hub-level network and allocating the spoke nodes to the hub nodes. As...
Read the latest articles of EURO Journal on Transportation and Logistics at ScienceDirect.com, Elsevier’s leading platform of peer-reviewed scholarly literature
基本信息 期刊全称 EURO Journal on Transportation and Logistics 期刊简称 Print ISSN 2192-4376 Online ISSN 2192-4384 期刊出版社 是否开放获取 Open Access,OA 暂无数据 官网地址 期刊所属领域 期刊简介 JCR分区索引信息2021年数据 是否是SCIE(SCI)
26th Mini-EURO Conference. Intelligent decision making in transportation and logistics - New trends and directionsFc receptor (CD64prostate specific antigenMHC class Iantigen presentationcross-primingRotavirus (RV) is the main cause of severe gastroenteritis in young children; protection has been ...