-- The Pakistani rupee is the currency of Pakistan. Issued and controlled by the State Bank of Pakistan. In Pakistan, the rupee is referred to as the "rupees", "rupaya" or "rupaye". In 1947, the Pakistani rupee was first put into circulation....
Today’sEUR to PKR Rateupdated in live in real-time from Open Exchange Rates worldwide and in Pakistan. Get latest and up to dateEuro to PKR Pakistani rupeesexchange rate along with percentage increase/decrease in price rate. FindEUR to PKR and PKR to EUR exchange ratesin Pakistani Rupees w...
Today 1 Euro to PKR is Rs 292.58. In the last 30 days, the rate of EUR to PKR has risen. What is the EUR to PKR Interbank Rate today? The EUR to PKR Interbank Rate today is 292.58 Pakistani Rupees for selling. What is the EUR to PKR Open Market Rate today?
In order to inspect the work progress of the European Union, it is necessary to check every day changing rates of Euros.The highest value of Euros has a direct impression on Pakistani Rupees because our trade depends on these exchange rates. ...