193 Another development has been the introduction of the redefined and validated SYNTAX II score. The absence of an individualized approach and of clinical parameters to help decision-making had been considered major limitations of the standard SYNTAX score. Hence, on the basis of the anatomically ...
membership of the ERM II. By simply choosing to stay outside the exchange rate mechanism, the Swedish government is provided a formal loophole avoiding the theoretical requirement of adopting the euro. Sweden's major parties continue to believe that it would be in the national interest to join....
Standard Deviation (3y) as of 31-Dec-2024 7.46% Yield to Maturity as of 31-Dec-2024 3.16% Weighted Avg YTM as of 31-Dec-2024 3.13% Weighted Avg Maturity as of 31-Dec-2024 7.52 yrs 12 Month Trailing Dividend Distribution Yield
Standard Deviation (3y) as of 31-Dec-2024 7.46% Yield to Maturity as of 31-Dec-2024 3.16% Weighted Avg YTM as of 31-Dec-2024 3.13% Weighted Avg Maturity as of 31-Dec-2024 7.52 yrs Sustainability Characteristics Sustainability Characteristics provide investors with specific non-traditional metric...
The Internet was created without a standard for identifying its users. Online services then began to develop their methods of identifying people and collecting identifying information. The first means of online identification was a unique username and associated password, introduced by computer scientist ...
More usually, xenobiotic metabolism (from the Greek xenon "stranger" and biotic "related to living beings") is that the set of metabolic pathways that alter the chemical structure of xenobiotics, which are compounds external to an organism's standard biochemistry, like any drug or poison. These...
According to this definition, a one standard error shock at time t on variable r, has the following impact on variable l at time t + h: (2.50)GIRF(xt|us,l,t,h)=er′AhG0−1Σuelel′Σuel In what follows, an illustrative example of the GIRF analysis based on a US GDP three...
Practically, to implement the Silk Road spirit, Xi called for Chinese and Arab sides "to be both farsighted and down-to-earth" and suggested a "1+2+3" cooperation pattern: "1" refers to cooperation in energy, the whole industrial chain of oil and natural gas; "2" refers to "two ...
(PBC) – the measure of tyre to road surface friction based on the maximum deceleration of a rolling tyre, measured using the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) E1136-10 (2010) standard reference test tyre, in accordance with ASTM Method E 1337-90 (reapproved 1996), at a ...
Standard Deviation (3y) as of 31/Dec/2024 7.31% Yield to Maturity as of 31/Dec/2024 2.92 Weighted Average YTM as of 31/Dec/2024 2.89% Weighted Avg Maturity as of 31/Dec/2024 7.73 12 Month Trailing Dividend Distribution Yield as of 31/Dec/2024 ...