obviously, seeing me film some of these Carl from Bedford parodies of, you know, the prim face. And he said to me, I can see why you do that, that, that character, you know, taking the piss out of the prim faces, because I was just listening on the radio to Manchester City again...
Bedford, F.; Rutland, C.; Dittrich, P.; Raab, A.; Wirbeleit, F. Effects of Direct Water Injection on DI Diesel Engine Combustion; SAE Technical Paper, 2000-01-2938; SAE International: Warrendale, PA, USA, 2000. [Google Scholar] [CrossRef] Tauzia, X.; Maiboom, A.; Shah, S.R....
Peugeot, Citroen, Renault, Opel, Volkswagen, Audi, Mercedes-Benz, BMW, Land rover, Vauxhall, Bedford, Deutz, Caterpillar, Dodge, Lancia, Dacia, UTB, FIAT, Alfa romeo, Ive co, Volvo, GM, Chevrolet, Buick, Ford, Jeep, Chrysler, Lada, Cummins...