EUREKA ORO..---niche zero 折腾记录---1、美版由于一直种草SINGLE DOSE电磨,观察了好久niche zero,国内始终无货
选择大直径刀盘磨豆机,对于家用来说,平刀磨的磨盘直径一般至少50毫米及以上,预算充足的的话,建议选择直径55/60毫米以上的,大刀盘研磨会让发热量会大大减少,降低了咖啡香气的逸散速度,咖啡风味会更好。 1. Eureka Mignon Filtro Pro-手冲咖啡优选 粗细度无极微调系统;平刀,刀盘直径50毫米,转速1350rpm. 无显示屏...
以及Eureka好像八月~九月即将推出single dose的机型Mignon ORO,售价官方说略低于600欧。是真的好看啊,就是不知道国内多久能有,十分心水 送TA礼物 来自iPhone客户端1楼2021-07-15 00:04回复 半醒的葡萄 声名远扬 12 大可不必纠结,选颜值好的,食色性也,如果看上去连食欲都没有了,还哪来的性欲? 3楼2021-...
针对不同需求,Eureka Mignon Specialita是高性价比的家用意式咖啡机,适用于Espresso,而Mignon Atom则针对家用和小型商用场景,提供多种豆仓容量选择。Atom A60和Specialty AS 65分别针对60毫米和65毫米刀盘,提供了更精细的控制选项。对于追求零残粉体验,Single Dose是家用意式咖啡的理想选择,采用斜置机...
EUREKA MIGNON Single Dose 询盘 上海珮尼尼进出口贸易有限公司 进入店铺 产品详情公司概况 65mm搭载“钻石刀盘”平行刀组咖啡豆研磨机 人气搭配 咖啡设备及其配件6 专业型萃茶机 MD-186T 隔音罩智能冰沙 调理机T-37SE 自动调速专业商用 冰沙机 MD-206A+...
Lowest price for Eureka Mignon Single Dose Chrome is €529.00. This is currently the cheapest offer from 1 retailer. Compare: Eureka Coffee Grinders Features Product Product name Eureka Mignon Single Dose Chrome Brand Eureka Measures Weight 7.2 kg Depth 128.0 mm Width 260.0 mm Height 321.0 mm Pro...
Diameter of Base Part: 4.2cm/1.65inch Features: |Commander Coffee Grinder|Grind Size For Espresso Breville|Minoto Coffee Grinder Review| **Enhanced Cleaning and Grinding Efficiency** The Coffee Grinder Bean Bin Set is a must-have accessory for coffee enthusiasts who own an Eureka Mignon coffee ma...
✅Single Dose Hopper with Bellow Packing List - 1pc stainless steel lid; 1pc silicone bellow; 1pc plastic part; 1pc clear PC adapter hopper for Eureka Mignon grinder; and 1pc coffee brush as GIFT. ✅Compatible with Coffee Grinder Model - Eureka Mignon XL/Filtro/Crono/ Design/Silenzio/...
Single dose hopper for Eureka Description Report Item Specifications: Material: Silicone Rubber, Aluminum, Plastic Type: Single Dose Hopper, Coffee Grinder Bean Bin Usage: Cleaning Tool for Eureka Mignon and Helios Design: Ergonomic and Durable Size: Compact and Portable Performance: Efficient Coffee ...