Eurasian lynx are often regarded as being particularly sensitive to human land-use. However, in the European context where human influence is pervasive, the conservation of lynx requires that they be integrated into the human-dominated landscape. Although previous studies have looked at how lynx ...
Large carnivores promote crucial ecosystem processes but are increasingly threatened by human persecution and habitat destruction. Successful conservation of this guild requires information on long-term population dynamics obtained through demographic surveys. We used camera traps to monitor Eurasian lynx betwee...
3 Incredible Eurasian Lynx Facts! The top speed of the Eurasian lynx isn’t entirely known, but if it’s anything like the bobcat, then it may be able to reach speeds in excess of 30 miles per hour in short bursts. In places where human hunters aren’t present, the Eurasian lynx play...
Eurasian Lynx Eurasian lynxes can survive extreme weather up to elevations of 18,000 feet Eurasian Nuthatch Its song has been compared to a toy horn. Eurasian Wolf Coloring depends on location. European Bee-Eater They can eat up to 250 bees per day! European Goldfinch They are frequent visi...
In this study, we used DNA metabarcoding to provide a snapshot dietary profile for wolves and lynx using their scats, opportunistically collected in the Julian Alps and the Dinaric Mts (Slovenia, Central Europe). We compared dietary habits between species and between regions. Moreover, we did ...
Compared with these, the values are not considered to be low. As a result of the mismatch distribution analysis, a unimodal was formed with low nucleotide diversity value, and there was no significant difference in SSD. Furthermore, network analysis showed a star shape. These results indicate ...
The current distribution of leopards is severely reduced compared to the historical range, and highly fragmented [7]. Sample PP3 is not displayed due to its ambiguous provenance (“East Indies”) Full size image The fossil record and genetic data from modern and historical samples are generally ...
Bunnefeld N, Linnell JDC, Odden J, van Duijn MAJ, Andersen R (2006) Risk taking by Eurasian lynx (Lynx lynx) in a human- dominated landscape: effects of sex and reproductive status. J Zool 270:31-39Bunnefeld N, Linnell JDC, Odden J, Van Duijn MAJ, Andersen R (2006) Risk ...
To better understand the differences between human and natural mortality, we compared the extent, age and sex structure, nutritional condition, spatial and temporal distribution of human harvest, and natural predation by the Eurasian lynx Lynx lynx on the European roe deer Capreolus capreolus, the ...
Basille M, Herfindal I, Santin-Janin H, Linnell JDC and others (2009) What shapes Eurasian lynx distribution in human dominated landscapes: selecting prey or avoiding people? Ecography 32:683-691Basille M, Herfindal I, Santin-Janin H, Linnell JDC, Odden J, Andersen R, Hogda KA, Gaillard...