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国际简称:EUR REV MED PHARMACO 创刊时间:1997 年发文量:823 出版地:ITALY 官网: 较快,2-4周审稿时间 3区中科院分区 容易平均录用比例 2.721影响因子 药学小学科 2024年SCI期刊影响因子出炉获取相关优质资源精准匹配期刊
系统标签: gbm dems pharmacol hsa mir recurrent Abstract.–OBJECTIVE:Glioblastoma(GBM) isthemostmalignantbraintumorwithrapidre- lapse.Thegoalofthisstudyistoidentifymi- croRNAs(miRNAs)involvedinrecurrentGBM. MATERIALSANDMETHODS:miRNAtran- scriptionprofiledata(GSE32466)weredown- loaded,including12primaryGBMsam...
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Eur Rev Med Pharmacol: nutritional treatment for ambulatory patients with acquired immunodeficiency virus infection and previous weight loss using a formula enriched with n3 fatty acids: a randomized prospective trial.(Reprint)(Report)(Clinical report)...
【Eur Rev Med Pharmacol Sci.】接受丙泊酚麻醉认知功能障碍可能与海马体中Tau蛋白的超磷酸化有关 “...”→ 点选“设为星标 “★”,为米勒之声加上星标,以后找我们就更方便啦 本文由“看麻醉”授权转载 Zheng HB, Fu YT, ...
文章《Resveratrol protects myocardial apoptosis induced by ischemia-reperfusion in rats with acute myocardial infarction via blocking P13K/Akt/e-NOS pathway》作者X. Zhang, L.-F. Huang, L. Hua, H.-K. Feng, B. Shen, published in Eur Rev Med Pharmacol Sci 2019; 23 (4): 1789-1796–DOI: ...
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