Eunethydis has shown to be a fruitful platform for ADHD research and has good resources for its further development.doi:10.1007/s00787-004-1005-7J. SergeantSteinkopff-VerlagEuropean Child & Adolescent PsychiatrySwanson JM, Sergeant JA, Taylor E, Sonuga-Barke EJ, Jensen PS, Cantwell DP (1998...
The article presents s from the European Network of Hyperkinetic Disorders' (Eunethydis) 1st International Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) Conference including research on genetic factors that can contribute to ADHD, a study on the therapeutic effects of neurofeedback among ADHD-affected...
Sergeant JA, Banaschewski T, Buitelar J, Coghill D, Danckaerts M, Dopfner M, et聽al. Eunethydis: a statement of the ethical principles governing the relationship between the European group for ADHD guidelines, and its members, with commercial for-profit organisations. Eur Child Adolesc ...
E. J. S. Sonuga-BarkeHans-Christoph Steinhausenet al.European Child & Adolescent PsychiatrySergeant JA, Banaschewski T, Buitelar J, Coghill D, Danckaerts M, Dopfner M, et聽al. Eunethydis: a statement of the ethical principles governing the relationship between the European group for ADHD...
Eunethydis 1st international ADHD conference: from data to best clinical practicedoi:10.1007/s00787-010-0122-8J. SergeantEuropean Child & Adolescent Psychiatry
The article presents s from the European Network of Hyperkinetic Disorders' (Eunethydis) 1st International Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) Conference including research on genetic factors that can contribute to ADHD, a study on the therapeutic effects of neurofeedback among ADHD-affected...
Sergeant JA, Banaschewski T, Buitelar J, Coghill D, Danckaerts M, Dopfner M, et聽al. Eunethydis: a statement of the ethical principles governing the relationship between the European group for ADHD guidelines, and its members, with commercial for-profit organisations. Eur Child Adolesc ...