For the Bernoulli-Euler beam of double-link flexible Manipulator in vertical plane as study object,distributing parameter dynamic equation is established by Lagrange equation in cantilever beam mode and it can be used for numerical simulationz. 以竖直平面内双连杆弹性机械臂Bernoulli-Euler梁为对象,用...
In this paper, active disturbance rejection control (ADRC) technology is applied to the Euler-Bernoulli beam equation, a partial differential equation (PDE) system. A new online disturbance observer is proposed and designed, which can estimate the disturbance values in real-time. Based on...
EquationChapter1Section1Euler-Bernoullibeam一、理论部分Euler-Bernoullibeam假设()由()式可得()虚位移原理()其中() 令,为单元长度,则上式成为()单元节点位移取为()令()其中形函数() ()分别对式()、()求一阶和两阶导数得() ()由,可得() ()将()、()式代入()式,可得()刚度矩阵() () ()二、算例...
A Euler-Bernoulli beam resting on Winkler springs and subject to an external dynamic force F(x,t) can be described by the following equation of motion in the space–time (x,t) domain [4,6,89]: (13)ErIrurIV+mru¨r+kfur=F and where ErIr and mr are the flexural bending and the ...
and the research of the stability of Euler-bernoulli beam equation with locally distributed disturbance can prove the asymptotic stability of the system.This method can be extended to study the other equations such as wave equation,Timoshenko beam equation,Schrod-inger equation,etc.%为了丰富控制理论...
an consequenceasymptoticalstability inputtype observeris thatis designedconvergentasymptotically. wordsEuler—Bernoullibeam feed- Key equation;fractionalderivative;boundary back invariance control;Co—semigroup;LaSalleprinciple 2010 MathematicsClassification Subject 26A33;93852 Chinese Classification Library 0231 收稿...
This chapter starts with the analytical description of beam members. Based on the three basic equations of continuum mechanics, i.e., the kinematics relationship, the constitutive law and the equilibrium equation, the partial differential equation, which
Fractional Differential EquationBernoulli BeamElastic BeamThe Euler–Bernoulli beam theory is well established in such a way that engineers are very confident with the determination of the stress field or deflections of the elastic beam based on this theory. In contrast, Timoshenko theory is not so ...
In this paper, we consider boundary output regulation for an Euler–Bernoulli beam equation which can describe typically the flexible arm of robots. The reference signal and disturbance are generated by a finite-dimensional exosystem. The measurements are angular and angular velocity of the right end...
For the Euler-Bernoulli beam equation which involves boundary disturbances, internal uncertainties, and external disturbances, the high gain and difficult-... 马国耀,蒋奇,宗西举 - 《Control Theory & Applications / Kongzhi Lilun Yu Yinyong》 被引量: 0发表: 2023年 ...