广义非线性Euler-Poisson-Darboux方程 4) Euler equation Euler方程 1. Euler equationof weakly harmonic maps from high dimension Riemann manifold to homogeneous space; 高维Riemann流形到齐次空间弱调和映射的Euler方程 2. Solving theEuler equations by wavelet interpolation; ...
Euler-Poisson-Darboux equationlinear wave equationpartial differential equationsR routinessound wave propagationspline collocation method of linesSummary The Euler-Poisson-Darboux (EPD) equation is a variant of the linear wave equation with a damping term that is a function of t. Numerous applications ...
Poisson equations decay exponentially fast to the stationary solutions. This result improves previ-ous results in which the current density's far fields are equal and the far field of the electric field iszero.Key words: asymptotic behavior; quantum Euler-Poisson equation; energy estimate; ...
In this paper, we consider the long wavelength limit for the quantumEuler-Poisson equation. Under the Gardner-Morikawa transform, we derive thequantum Korteweg-de Vries (KdV) equation by a singular perturbation method. Weshow that the KdV dynamics can be seen at time interval of order$O(\\...
M. K. Turzynsky 29Accesses Explore all metrics Abstract In this paper, we construct a solution to the Riemann problem for an inhomogeneous non-strictly hyperbolic system of two equations, which is a corollary of the Euler–Poisson equations without pressure [5]. These equations can be considered...
The relaxation properties of the Euler-Poisson flow with spherical symmetry are studied. For smooth and small initial data, the existence of global smooth solutions is proved. This indicates that the frictional dissipation from the relaxation term can prevent the formation of singularities in small sm...
中(详见物理学家用流体力学 · 第三章),方程的封闭性离不开流体介质的状态方程(Equation of State,简称EoS)[20],而对于复杂的介质,其状态方程往往需要使用统计物理方法进行推导。所以在这种情况下经常出现流体力学与统计物理的结合,一个经典的例子就是中子星结构的计算,首先要利用流体力学得到广义相对论下的流体静力...
In this paper, we consider the Euler–Poisson equations governing the evolution of the gaseous stars with the Poisson equation describing the energy potential for the self-gravitating force. By assuming that the initial density is of compact support in R N, we first give a family of blowup so...
The global existence and pointwise estimates of the Cauchy problem for the Euler-Poisson equation with damping in multi-dimensions are considered. Based on the analysis of Green function, and using the special structure of the system together with weighted energy method, we obtain the global existen...
Euler-Poisson方程研究进展介绍 9. Simulation for the Two-dimensional Euler Equations on Adaptive Unstructured Grids; 在非结构自适应网格上对二维Euler方程进行数值模拟 10. Improved Euler Method for Solving Roots of Nonlinear Equation 改进的Euler方法应用于非线性方程求根 ...