Fuchsbauer has however recently shown that the construction is insecure under adaptive queries and consequently the security claim is invalid. We fix this issue by providing an EUF-CMA-secure construction of an SPS-EQ, which is also more efficient than the original construction in every respect. ...
https://crypto.stackexchange.com/questions/26689/easy-explanation-of-ind-security-notions 理想的加密方案E EE 是这样的,对每一个密文C = E ( K , M ) C=E(K,M)C=E(K,M).如果对于对手来说,密钥是不可见的,那么区分M MM 的概率是可忽略不计的。由于这在实践中是不可能的,第二个最合理的方式是...