幸福是人类永恒的追求。每个人都渴望幸福并积极努力地追求着幸福,但人们追求幸福的模式和层次又有所不同,因此幸福也就有了不同种类:心盛幸福 (eudaimonic well-being) 和享乐幸福 (hedonic well-being)。 这两种幸福源于古希腊哲学家对幸福的分类,即eudaimonia和hedonia。追求心盛幸福的人追求意义、真实、美德、...
HedoniaEudaimoniaTourism activitiesHow well-being changes over the course of a vacation is unclear. Particular understudied areas include the eudaimonic dimension of well-being, the comparison between eudaimonia and hedonia, and the role of activity type. Using an integrated model, two studies which ...
well-beinginterpersonal influencesPast research has examined the link of eudaimonic and hedonic motives with personal well-being, but less is known about their link with the well-being of close others. Also, empirical data on the link with the well-being of close others would address an ...
Sirgy provides three divisions, corresponding to Martin Seligman’spleasant life,engaged life, andmeaningful life:Psychological happinessseems to capture affective-related concepts of well-being such as hedonic well-being
Well-beingis a complex, multifaceted construct that can be defined as optimal human experience and psychological functioning (cf. Ryan & Deci,2001) and involves subjective experiences and objective conditions indicative of physical, psychological, and socialwellness. From the dawn of intellectual history...
When it comes tomotivation and change, researchers believe eudaimonia, compared to hedonic well-being, is a much safer road to happiness. [3] In other words, thepursuit of momentary pleasuresdoes not cultivate long-term satisfaction and well-being. ...
A holistic understanding of relationships between personality and well-being requires knowing the linkages between several levels of personality analysis and different wellbeing varieties, namely hedonic and eudaimonic measures. We explore the moderator effect of work personal projects, a personality variabl...
How is eudaimonic well-being measured? They propose that hedonic well-being be measured bypositive affect, negative affect and life satisfaction, and that main categories of eudaimonia (i.e., motivation, behaviour, or outcome) be measured by such constructs as awe, meaning, intrinsic motivation...
Learn the definition of eudaimonic and hedonic happiness and compare these types of happiness. Understand the differences between hedonic and eudaimonic well-being. Updated: 11/21/2023 Table of Contents Hedonistic vs Eudaimonic Happiness Hedonism Philosophers of Hedonism Eudaemonia Balance and Well-...
well-beinghopejournalgratitude to GodGratitude is commonly practiced as prayer, but experimental studies testing the ability of gratitude journaling interventions to increase well-being have only examined secular forms of thanksgiving. We hypothesized that framing gratitude journaling as prayer would amplify...